What is a synonym for strong?

What is a synonym for strong?

SYNONYMS FOR strong 1 mighty, sturdy, brawny, sinewy, hardy, muscular, stout, stalwart. 4 potent, capable, efficient. 5 valiant, brave. 7 bold, intense. 8 persuasive, cogent, impressive, conclusive.

What is the synonym of coerce?

SYNONYMS. pressure, pressurize, bring pressure to bear on, use pressure on, put pressure on, constrain, lean on, press, push. force, compel, oblige, put under an obligation, browbeat, brainwash, bludgeon, bully, threaten, prevail on, work on, act on, influence, intimidate, dragoon, twist someone’s arm, strong-arm.

Is coerced consent illegal?

Sexual coercion falls under the broad umbrella of sexual assault, as does rape. Since consent given under coercion isn’t freely given, it doesn’t count as consent. It follows, then, that coerced sex (when it involves penetration) would count as rape, even if the other person didn’t use physical force or violence.

What does coerce mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to compel to an act or choice was coerced into agreeing abusers who coerce their victims into silence. 2 : to achieve by force or threat coerce compliance coerce obedience.

What does intolerable mean?

: too bad, harsh, or severe to be accepted or tolerated : not tolerable. See the full definition for intolerable in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What did the British call the Intolerable Acts?

The Coercive Acts of 1774, known as the Intolerable Acts in the American colonies, were a series of four laws passed by the British Parliament to punish the colony of Massachusetts Bay for the Boston Tea Party.

What does overpowering mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to overcome by superior force : subdue. 2 : to affect with overwhelming intensity the stench overpowered us. 3 : to provide with more power than is needed or desirable a dangerously overpowered car.

What is the difference between intolerable and insufferable?

The difference between Insufferable and Intolerable When used as adjectives, insufferable means not sufferable, whereas intolerable means not tolerable. Insufferable as an adjective: Not sufferable; very difficult or impossible to endure.

What does tending to be tedious mean?

adjective. marked by monotony or tedium; long and tiresome: tedious tasks; a tedious journey. wordy so as to cause weariness or boredom, as a speaker, a writer, or the work they produce; prolix.

What does insupportable mean in English?

: not supportable: a : more than can be endured insupportable pain. b : impossible to justify insupportable charges. Other Words from insupportable Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More about insupportable.

What is silliness?

1 lack of good sense or judgment. she was both amused and irritated by the silliness of his comments regarding the movie they has just seen.

Is silly a bad word?

In north America the word is generally harmless. When you call someone silly, you are not insulting their intelligence. Rather, you are likely calling them goofy, funny, playful (often in a childish way). So if you’re from North America, and you’re speaking with someone from other places, try not to use the word silly.

Can silly mean funny?

Silly means: 1… weak-minded or lacking good sense; stupid or foolish: e.g., Your opinion is silly. 2…absurd; ridiculous; irrational: e.g., a silly idea. Debra – you wrote “i think silly means not smart, but not as strong as stupid.” I agree, however a smart dog or person can still act silly from time to time.

What does foolish mean?

1 : having or showing a lack of good sense, judgment, or discretion a foolish mistake She takes foolish risks. 2a : absurd, ridiculous He looked foolish in that hat.3 dagen geleden

What are the characteristics of a foolish person?

Foolish people are self-involved, overly optimistic regarding their own views, and unable to see their own vulnerabilities. They assume they already know all that needs to be known. Foolish individuals are apathetic—indifferent to outgroups, ethical concerns, and the common good. They are unimaginative and dogmatic.

What do you call a foolish person?

A person who lacks intelligence. jackass. idiot. fool. imbecile.

What is a slang name for a foolish person?

Slang name for a foolish person. DINGBAT.

What is foolish behavior?

If someone’s behavior or action is foolish, it is not sensible and shows a lack of good judgment. If you look or feel foolish, you look or feel so silly or ridiculous that people are likely to laugh at you.

What is opposite of foolish?

Opposite Word of foolish: “careful,cautious,circumspect,prudent,sensible,serious,thoughtful, unfoolish,wise”

What is the opposite of clever?

Opposite Word of clever: “awkward, foolish, idiotic, ignorant, naive, senseless, stupid, unclever”

Is clever a positive word?

To be “clever” is generally seen as a positive thing. It could be negative in context. Like if you said, “He cleverly avoided doing his job so others had to do his work for him”, or “The murderer found a clever way to kill his victim without ever being suspected”, I’d take that as pretty negative.

What does Fifth mean?

A fifth is a unit of volume formerly used for wine and distilled beverages in the United States, equal to one fifth of a US liquid gallon, ​4⁄5 quart, or 25 3⁄5 US fluid ounces (757 ml); it has been superseded by the metric bottle size of 750 ml, sometimes called a metric fifth, which is the standard capacity of wine …