What is another word for caught?

What is another word for caught?

Caught Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for caught?

arrested captured
apprehended captive
confined imprisoned
incarcerated interned
gaoledUK jailedUS

What is another word for off guard?

Off-guard Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for off-guard?

unawares unprepared
unguarded unready
unsuspecting unvigilant
unwatchful zoned out
not paying attention off guard

What’s another word for unexpected?

Unexpected Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for unexpected?

fortuitous chance
accidental random
unforeseen casual
fluky inadvertent
unplanned unintentional

What does unwary mean?

: not alert : easily fooled or surprised : heedless, gullible cheats unwary tourists. Other Words from unwary Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about unwary.

Is incautious a word?

adjective. not cautious; careless; reckless; heedless.

What kind of word is unwary?

Lacking caution as a result of naïveté or inexperience.

What parallel means?

adjective. extending in the same direction, equidistant at all points, and never converging or diverging: parallel rows of trees. having the same direction, course, nature, or tendency; corresponding; similar; analogous: Canada and the U.S. have many parallel economic interests.

What does parallel lines look like?

Parallel lines look like railroad tracks: they are always the same distance apart, running next to each other. The lines do intersect. Next, determine if the lines intersect at a right angle. The lines do not intersect at a right angle.

Do things in parallel?

Rigid sequencing of steps in a process means that a delay in any step stops the entire process. Parallel processing means that the overall process can continue even if one part is delayed.

What is a parallel person?

any person or thing essentially the same as, or closely corresponding to, another; counterpart. 10. the condition of being parallel; conformity in essential points. 11. any comparison showing the existence of similarity or likeness.

Do parallel lines have to be the same length?

Parallel lines are lines in a plane that are always the same distance apart. Perpendicular lines are lines that intersect at a right (90 degrees) angle.

What does work in parallel mean?

Something that occurs in parallel with something else occurs at the same time as it. Davies has managed to pursue his diverse interests in parallel with his fast-moving career. [ + with] Progress on this issue must be made in parallel to any moves on the economic front.

When we say parallel does it mean equal or not?

In math, parallel means two lines that never intersect — think of an equal sign. Figuratively, parallel means similar, or happening at the same time. A story might describe the parallel lives of three close friends.

Why do parallel lines meet at infinity?

Geometric formulation In projective geometry, any pair of lines always intersects at some point, but parallel lines do not intersect in the real plane. The line at infinity is added to the real plane. This completes the plane, because now parallel lines intersect at a point which lies on the line at infinity.

How many parallel lines can be draw through a point not on the line?

ONE parallel line

Can you draw two parallel lines at a distance of 5.5 cm apart?

Steps of construction: Draw a line PQ. 2. Take any two points A and B on the line. Join CD and produce it on either side to get the required line parallel to AB and at a distance of 5 cm from it.

What are two lines in the same plane called?

Two lines, both in the same plane, that never intersect are called parallel lines. Parallel lines remain the same distance apart at all times. The symbol // is used to denote parallel lines.

How do you construct a parallel line that passes through a point?

Two lines are parallel if the have the same slope. Example 1: Find the slope of the line parallel to the line 4x – 5y = 12. To find the slope of this line we need to get the line into slope-intercept form (y = mx + b), which means we need to solve for y: The slope of the line 4x – 5y = 12 is m = 4/5.

How do you find a perpendicular line that passes through a point?

Perpendicular lines have opposite-reciprocal slopes, so the slope of the line we want to find is 1/2. Plugging in the point given into the equation y = 1/2x + b and solving for b, we get b = 6. Thus, the equation of the line is y = ½x + 6. Rearranged, it is –x/2 + y = 6.

How do you find slope-intercept form?

Slope-intercept form, y=mx+b, of linear equations, emphasizes the slope and the y-intercept of the line.

What is the first step in slope intercept form?

Remember, the slope-intercept formula is y = mx + b. Plug in your slope where the “m” value is, and plug in your y-intercept where the “b” is. This is the equation of the line in slope-intercept form.