What is another word for exerted?

What is another word for exerted?

In this page you can discover 20 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for exert, like: put forth, exercise, apply, put out, use, wield, bring-to-bear, influence, impose, force and strive.

What does ditch mean?

A ditch is a long trench or pit dug into the ground. If your lawns are always soggy, build a drainage ditch for the excess water to flow into. A ditch can be a man-made trench, usually long and narrow, dug into the earth, or a natural ditch made by flowing water.

Is ditch a slang word?

Slang. to get rid of: I ditched that old hat of yours. to escape from: He ditched the cops by driving down an alley. to absent oneself from (school or a class) without permission or an acceptable reason.

What is a big ditch called?

: a large artificial water channel (such as the Erie Canal or the main channel of an irrigation system) —usually capitalized when designating a particular channel when the Big Ditch finally joined the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

What is another word for a ditch?

Ditch Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for ditch?

gutter trench
gully moat
watercourse conduit
fosse dike
duct foss

What is a small ditch called?

A ditch is created to channel water and can be described as a small or moderate depression. A trench can be defined as a long narrow ditch. Ditches are commonly seen around farmland, especially in areas that have required drainage, such as The Fens in the UK and the pro-water management The Netherlands.

What is the opposite of ditch?

Opposite of to throw away (something unwanted or useless) keep. adopt. catch. collect.

What is the opposite of stack?

What is the opposite of stack?

lack deficiency
unavailability undersupply
absence deprivation
leanness meagerness
paucity scantiness