What is another word for making a hole?

What is another word for making a hole?

What is another word for make a hole?

drill pierce
perforate penetrate
riddle prick
punch hole
dig sink

What is another word for making a whole?

What is another word for make whole?

do up fix
reconstruct refit
renovate repair
restore restore to working order
service make well

What does scrounging mean?

transitive verb. 1 : steal, swipe. 2a : to get as needed by or as if by foraging, scavenging, or borrowing scrounging enough money for a bus ticket. b : finagle, wheedle —often used with up.

Which word could you use to describe a mess?

Here are some adjectives for mess: untidy, dreary, harmless, disgusting, monumental mortal, wretched great, sodden, red, threadbare, disheveled, dark, digestive, all-purpose magical, unusually ragged and tangled, unusually ragged, lumpy, viscous, fine destructive, reely nasty, sodden, disheveled, completely monstrous.

How do you describe a messy person?

The definition of unkempt is someone or something untidy, disheveled or in disrepair. (Informal) Messy; disordered, untidy, rumpled, etc. The definition of slovenly is someone or something that is messy, overly casual or careless in their actions.

How do you describe a messy house?

If someone’s house or apartment is messy, here are some phrases and English expressions that you can use to describe it: There are clothes strewn all over the floor. There’s food splattered all over the microwave. There are crumbs all over the counter.

What does cajole mean?

transitive verb. 1a : to persuade with flattery or gentle urging especially in the face of reluctance : coax had to cajole them into going. b : to obtain from someone by gentle persuasion cajoled money from his parents.

What does loquacious mean?

Marko Ticak. · Words. Loquacious is an adjective we use to describe someone who talks easily, fluently, and a lot.

What does scruffy mean?

: unkempt, slovenly, shaggy a scruffy neighborhood a scruffy beard.

Is Scruffy a real word?

adjective, scruff·i·er, scruff·i·est. untidy; shabby.

What is a scruffy beard?

What does it mean to have a scruffy beard? A scruffy beard is a rough-looking beard around the face that gives off a rugged look that looks great on men who are going for a tough and rough appearance.

What’s another word for scruffy?

What is another word for scruffy?

slovenly unkempt
untidy daggy
frowzy messy
ragged shabby
sloppy ungroomed

What is the opposite of scruffy?

Opposite of untidy in appearance. smart. dapper. immaculate. neat.

What is the meaning of untidy?

1a : not neat : slovenly their untidy kitchen. b : not neat or orderly in habits or procedure an untidy mind. 2a : not neatly organized or carried out an untidy manuscript.

What is the other word for old?

What is another word for old?

elderly mature
ancient decrepit
doddering doddery
ripe senescent
senile superannuated

Which means very old?

Very old or old-fashioned. archaic. antiquated. obsolete. outmoded.

What is a positive word for old?

“Senior” = positive; “Old” = negative; “Elderly” = neutral.

What is the old word for next to?

What is another word for next to?

abreast of abutting
along the side of at
contiguous to nearby to
against past
around nigh

What is the scientific word for rotting?

decay. nounbreaking down, collapse. adulteration. atrophy. blight.

What word means next to?

other words for next to adjoining. neighboring. beside. bordering. close.

What can I say instead of next?

What is another word for next?

following coming
imminent succeeding
upcoming impending
looming nearing
oncoming successive

What is another word for next steps?

What is another word for next steps?

next level next move
next phase next stage
follow-up further action
future action