What is El Reloj plural?

What is El Reloj plural?

plural of reloj. relojes [m/pl]

What is El profesor plural?

plural of profesor. profesores [m/pl]

What is the female version of muchacho?

From Spanish muchacha, feminine equivalent of muchacho.

Is estudiante feminine or masculine?

La estudiante does mean the female student and el estudiante means the male student.

What is the plural of El Lapiz?

the plural form of el lapiz is la lapiz. eddibear3a and 2 more users found this answer helpful.১১ মে, ২০১৭

What is the plural of El Sacapuntas?

plural form el sacapuntas (the pencil sharpener) is los sacapuntas (the pencil sharpeners). You don’t change the spelling of sacapuntas to make it plural.

What is the plural of el papel?

If the noun ends in a consonant, to make it plural, add es (papel – “paper”; papeles – “papers”).

What is the plural form of El animal?

el the
animal animal uncouth
plural plural pluralistic

How do you say plural in Spanish?

Spanish Plural Noun Forms

  1. Just Add -s. Rule: If a singular noun ends in an unstressed vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or the stressed vowels á, é or ó, add -s to the end of a singular noun to make it plural. Here are some examples.
  2. Add -s or -es. Rule: If a singular noun ends in í or ú, you can add -s or -es to pluralize the word.

What is the plural of La Silla?

“The” Definite Articles of Spanish: When Any Old One Won’t Do

English Singular Plural
the phone / the phones el teléfono (m) los teléfonos
the chair / the chairs la silla (f) las sillas

What is the plural of Padre?

The plural form of padre is padres.

How do you know if a word is feminine or masculine?

  1. Most nouns referring to men, boys and male animals are masculine; most nouns referring to women, girls and female animals are feminine.
  2. Generally, words ending in -e are feminine and words ending in a consonant are masculine, though there are many exceptions to this rule.

What is the formal word for your in Spanish?

So yes, as we’ve seen above, “his,” “her,” “their,” formal “your” and “its” are all the same word in Spanish: su. As with vosotros (the plural informal you), vuestro/vuestra is not used in Latin America; su is used instead.

What is que paso mean?

What’s up

Is wey a bad word?

Wey (güey) means bro or dude, but it can also be a general word for guy. Wey is also not something you call your parents or use in excess around them. It’s not a curse word but it’s not super polite either. But there is no wey (pun) you get through a day in Mexico without this word!২৯ জুন, ২০১৮

How do you reply to Que Pasa?

If it is said as a greeting, for example someone entering the room and saying “Qué pasa?, it should be answered as if the person said “What’s up?”. They don’t really want to know what is up, they are just saying “Hi, how are you”. So, you can say “all good and you? ” = “todo bien y tú?”

How do you reply to Que tal?

2 Answers. Bien, bien,¿ y usted/tu? Muy bien, gracias, is the straightforward reply and as Annie says it is polite to ask how they are. You could also say ‘genial’ or if your feeling out of sorts ‘asi, asi’ [so, so] The last two answers are to someone who is interested in how you feel ie a friend.

Is Que tal formal?

It is not really formal and it is used in two similar but different ways: 1) You can use it as “hello”, not waiting an answer.

How do you say the number 100 in Spanish?

The number 100 can be translated into Spanish as either cien or ciento.

How do you reject someone in Spanish?

Reverse translation for turn someone down

  1. (figurado) rechazar (una oferta, invitación, etc.)
  2. rechazar (a alguien) – to reject, to turn down, to refuse, to rebuff.
  3. rehusar – to refuse.
  4. rechazar – to reject, to turn down, to refuse, to rebuff.

How do you say goodnight in Spanish?

“Goodnight” in Spanish is simple: buenas noches.

How do you politely decline an invitation in Spanish?

To decline an invitation in Spanish politely, you can use one of the following phrases:

  1. Lo siento, pero ya tengo un compromiso – I am sorry, but I have already made plans.
  2. Me gustaría, pero no puedo – I’d love, but I can’t.
  3. Desafortunadamente no puedo – Unfortunately, I can’t.