What is National League of Junior Cotillions?

What is National League of Junior Cotillions?

National League of Junior Cotillionshttps://nljc.comhttps://nljc.com

What is the purpose of cotillion?

So the main purpose of a cotillion is to teach respectful manners to young people so they can go out into society and thrive. Debutante balls are different in that they celebrate the actual joining to society for young people.

Does cotillion still happen?

The debutante ball emerged as a family’s way of announcing that their daughter was of marriageable age and good breeding. While Queen Elizabeth II discontinued her support of the balls in England back in 1958 (here is a great article on why), they still occur in the United States.

How much does it cost to be a debutante?

Once invited, the young women and their families spend tens of thousands of dollars to attend the ball. The entry fee alone is $17,000 for one table.

What is a male debutant called?

The male equivalent is often referred to as “beautillion ball”. A lone debutante might have her own debut, or she might share it with a sister or other close relative. These balls may be elaborate formal affairs and involve not only “debs” but junior debutantes, escorts and ushers, flower girls and pages as well.

Is Cotillion a southern thing?

There’s a reason it’s a Southern tradition. For many who grow up in the South, cotillion classes are a rite of passage.

Can anyone be a debutante?

Though not all debutante balls are exclusive as they once were, not just anyone can attend a debutante ball. If you want your daughter to get an invitation to one of these, you will need to pay a significant fee and show some social or familial connections.

What is the difference between a debutante and a cotillion?

While cotillions are more focused on teaching young people how to be respectful members of society, debutante balls mark the official joining of society once those children age into young adults. Depending on the town, debutante balls feature the “debut” of young ladies from age 16 to 21 as official members of society.

How many pairs are in a cotillion?

9 pairs

Who is the first dance in debut?

The Modern Debut The debut modern version still incorporates the traditional components, but it is given some twists: For the 18 roses, the first dance will be the debutante’s father, and the last one will either be her special someone, suitor, or her best friend.

What do you get for 18 treasures?

8 Amazing Gifts to Give for 18 Treasures Sweets stash. Inspirational books. Plane ticket. Monogrammed leather bag.

How do you plan a cotillion?

  1. 1 Decide whether or not you. Decide whether or not you wish to host your cotillion by yourself or with a group of friends.
  2. 2 Assemble your guest list. Assemble your guest list and choose your cotillion court.
  3. 3 Book the event location of your choice.
  4. 4 Hire a choreographer.
  5. 5 Set a schedule.

What should I prepare for debut?

12 Things You Need to Prepare for Your Debut

  1. Budget. Before you decide on anything else, you need to benchmark your budget first.
  2. Guest List.
  3. Theme.
  4. Date and Venue.
  5. Stage Design and Decorations.
  6. Invitations.
  7. Program.
  8. Attire and Makeup.

How does a debutante ball work?

A debutante or deb (from French: débutante, “female beginner”) is a young woman of aristocratic or upper-class family background who has reached maturity and, as a new adult, comes out into society at a formal “debut” or possibly debutante ball.

What are the themes for debut?


  • Classic.
  • Boho Debut Theme.
  • Fairy Tale Theme.
  • Personal Theme.
  • Crafty Theme.
  • Alice in Wonderland Theme.
  • Polaroid Party.
  • Parisian.

What is the meaning of 18 shots?

18 shots. A toast or a drink is taken to honor the debutante; this is called the 18 shots ritual. Eighteen important people are chosen to honor the lady of the night. The people need to finish their well-wishes first before the actual toasting.

What are good party themes for adults?

20 Best Party Themes For Adults

  • Spa Party. Spa parties are so much fun and a great way to relax and be pampered with friends.
  • Backyard Farm to Table Dinner Party.
  • Casino Vegas Theme Party.
  • Mexican Theme Dinner Party.
  • Far Out Retro 70’s Party.
  • Oscar Night Viewing Party.
  • Beer Tasting Party.
  • Game of Thrones Party.

Why is 18th birthday special?

At 18 years old, children are finally adults! In most countries around the world, you’re officially an adult at this age. That’s one of the reasons why the 18th birthday is so special. At 21 years old, people are not only officially adults, but they start acting like ones.

Why is 18 so important?

Across the world, it is generally acknowledged as the age of shedding minority status, but why is 18 considered the legal age of adulthood? Most 18-year-old’s look forward to the freedom of being able to get married, drink, smoke, drive and conduct themselves without the need for parental consent.

What is 18 roses and 18 candles mean?

The 18 roses represent 18 males in the debutante’s court as a symbol of courtship while the 18 candles represent 18 females in the court as a symbol of loved ones lighting the way to adulthood. The debutante chooses the 18 men and 18 women she wants in her court.

How can I make my daughter’s 18th birthday special?


  1. Go On a Trip. Going on a trip with friends and family is the perfect way to make memories.
  2. Dinner and a Movie. If you are a more chill stay at home person this is for you!
  3. Hotel Party.
  4. Go Camping.
  5. Birthday Party.
  6. Amusement Park.
  7. Do “Adult Things”
  8. Go to a Concert.

How do you celebrate an 18th birthday in lockdown?

12 AMAZING lockdown birthday ideas

  1. Have a digital party.
  2. Arrange a socially distanced garden party.
  3. Arrange some doorstop visits.
  4. Order a special lockdown card.
  5. Pre-plan cards and gifts.
  6. Make a video from family and friends.
  7. Hold a games night.
  8. Arrange a scavenger hunt.

What can I buy my daughter for her 18th?

We’ve got a list of specialist presents that are sure to make her smile on her special day.

  • Personalized Jewellery. Diamonds are truly a girl’s best friend.
  • Theatre Trip.
  • Special Bottle of Alcohol.
  • Spa Day.
  • Gift Vouchers.
  • Afternoon Tea.
  • Weekend Away with Friends.
  • Personalized Number Plate.

What can I say to my daughter on her 18th birthday?


  • YOU are our greatest accomplishment.
  • I’m so, so proud to be your mother.
  • We love you beyond measure, and it’s an honor to be your parents.
  • It’s crazy that you’re 18 years old, and I STILL can’t believe you’re mine.
  • We’re so proud of everything you are and everything you’re going to be.