What is opposite of forgiveness?

What is opposite of forgiveness?

Opposite of the action of forgiving or being forgiven. punishment. charge. penalty. retribution.

How do you forgive someone and move on?

How To Forgive Someone Who Has Hurt You: In 15 Steps

  1. Step 1: Move On to the Next Act.
  2. Step 2: Reconnect to Spirit.
  3. Step 3: Don’t Go to Sleep Angry.
  4. Step 4: Switch the Focus from Blaming Others to Understanding Yourself.
  5. Step 5: Avoid Telling People What to Do.
  6. Step 6: Learn to Let Go and Be Like Water.
  7. Step 7: Take Responsibility for Your Part.
  8. Step 8: Let Go of Resentments.

What is genuine forgiveness?

For genuine forgiveness to happen, the person who committed the hurt must become the vigilant party. “Forgiveness is accomplished when the victimized person no longer has to hold the wrongdoer responsible for the injustice; the wrongdoer holds himself or herself responsible.”

What true forgiveness looks like?

The Real Meaning of Forgiveness Forgiveness is not forgetting what took place. It is not condoning or excusing the offense, and it does not mean you no longer feel angry about what happened. Forgiveness starts with acknowledging that someone has done something wrong to you and that they do, in fact, deserve your anger.

How long should it take to forgive someone?

Some may forgive immediately, some may take a few months, others a year or two, and some may never fully forgive. There is no exact time for everyone, of course, as it depends on several factors. What’s important during this time is for you to take the time you need to help you heal mentally and emotionally.

How do you know when you can’t forgive someone?

See if one of the reasons below is holding you back from forgiving and forgetting for once and for all.

  1. 1) You aren’t being honest with yourself about the real cause of your hurt.
  2. 2) You’ve attached your current upset to bigger upsets from the past.
  3. 3) You have mistaken forgiving someone with accepting what they did.