What is stronger than love?

What is stronger than love?

Sheer force of will is stronger than love as stubborn hope cant be broken by outside entities. The truth of a matter, the heart of a matter and a matter of fact are stronger than love. Time in its infinite wisdom is stronger than love.

What does 7 mean in love?

Love and Angel Number 7 It means that it is better for you not to overwhelm yourself with feelings, because you may suffer at the end. When we talk about love it is also important to say that number 7 is reminding you to open your heart and to show more love towards people around you, but also towards your angels.

What does 611 mean?


What does 224 mean in texting?

Today, Tomorrow, Forever

Did a full 180 meaning slang?

Literally, to begin moving in the opposite direction. (If one physically turns 180 degrees, one will then be facing the opposite direction.) I was going to go to the park, but when I saw those dark clouds roll in, I did a 180 and headed back home. 2. To make a big change in one’s position, opinion, lifestyle, etc.

What is 180 degree turn?

If one physically turns 180 degrees, one will then be facing the opposite direction. A: “Can you believe that Sam quit his job at the firm?” B: “No, he really did a 180 degree turn on being a paralegal!” See also: 180, degree, turn.

Do a 180 or 360?

The expression do a 180 refers to the degrees in a circle. If one travels 180 degrees on a circle, he winds up exactly opposite his starting place on the circle. Most often, the phrase do a 360 is used incorrectly when the speaker means do a 180. Remember, the expression is based on the degrees in a circle.

Is it a complete 180 or 360?

In other words, to go 180 degrees is to go as far as possible opposite your starting point. To go 360 degrees is to come full circle, ending up exactly where you started. That’s how the phrase I did a complete 180 came to signify a complete change, as in I did a complete 180 about exercise.