What is the antonym of violation?

What is the antonym of violation?

What is the opposite of violation?

adherence abidance
compliance conformity
conformance observance
observation dutifulness
obedience submission

What is an example of a violation?

The definition of a violation is a breach of a law or of a code of behavior. When you drive your car faster than the speed limit, this is an example of a violation of the law. When you read someone’s diary this is an example of a violation of privacy.

What is another word for violating?

In this page you can discover 77 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for violate, like: outrage, violative, interrupt, spoil, invade, ravage, insult, offend, traduce, uphold and break.

What does violated mean sexually?

sexual violation (n) any form of non-consensual, sexual advance; sexual harassment or sexual assault. Sexual violation is a term defined as the sexual advances by one party against another, which cross personal boundaries of the second party.

What is the synonym and antonym of violate?

desecrate, spoil, dishonor, go against, ravish, rape, outrage, transgress, assault, break, breach, profane, offend, infract, dishonour, plunder, despoil. Antonyms: conform to. desecrate, profane, outrage, violate(verb)

What’s the definition of violation?

noun. the act of violating. the state of being violated. a breach, infringement, or transgression, as of a law, rule, promise, etc.: He was fined for a traffic violation. desecration; profanation: the violation of a cemetery.

What is a violation of a law?

A violation of law is any act (or, less commonly, failure to act) that fails to abide by existing law. Violations generally include both crimes and civil wrongs. Some acts, such as fraud, can violate both civil and criminal laws.

What is Rule Violation?

Since the purpose of an operative rule is to describe what should be, a rule violation occurs whenever what should be does not actually happen—when people do not live up to the standards of the rule. For example, consider again the operative rule No Checks.

What is the meaning of violating regulations?

violate Add to list Share. Violate is a verb that describes actions that show no respect for people, laws, property, and customs. Drivers violate the law when they fail to stop at red lights, and people violate your privacy when they eavesdrop on your personal conversations.

What does dont violate mean?

verb (tr) to break, disregard, or infringe (a law, agreement, etc) to rape or otherwise sexually assault. to disturb rudely or improperly; break in upon.

What does do not violate mean?

1 to break, disregard, or infringe (a law, agreement, etc.) 2 to rape or otherwise sexually assault. 3 to disturb rudely or improperly; break in upon. 4 to treat irreverently or disrespectfully; outrage.

Is violative a word?

a. Violating, or tending to violate. Adj.

What intricate means?

1 : having many complexly interrelating parts or elements : complicated intricate machinery an intricate plot. 2 : difficult to resolve or analyze.

How do you spell violation?

Correct spelling for the English word “violation” is [va͡ɪ͡əlˈe͡ɪʃən], [va‍ɪ‍əlˈe‍ɪʃən], [v_aɪə_l_ˈeɪ_ʃ_ə_n] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What is a word for taking things for granted?

other words for take for granted hypothesize. posit. presuppose. theorize. advance.

How do you use the word granted?

Granted sentence example

  1. I don’t want to take you for granted , anyway.
  2. Granted , what you’re saying could have worked, but that doesn’t mean it did.
  3. I granted you immortality.
  4. He’d hoped to be granted the same level of power as his predecessor.
  5. Granted , we have to plan how to best make it public but.

What is the synonym of granted?

Some common synonyms of grant are accord, award, concede, and vouchsafe. While all these words mean “to give as a favor or a right,” grant implies giving to a claimant or petitioner something that could be withheld.

Is Grant short for something?

Ulysses S. Grant, American general and 18th President of the United States, brought much attention to the name….Grant.

meaning Short for Grantland, great plains
popularity popular
syllables 1
starts with G
ends with T