What is the difference between juridical and judicial?

What is the difference between juridical and judicial?

Let’s bring some order to these two similar terms. The juridical process relates to the administration of the law. The judicial process is the series of steps a legal dispute goes through in the court system. It deals with procedural issues, and it determines the roles of the judge and the jury in a courtroom.

Who can transfer a judge from one high court to another in India?

the President

Which court can transfer judges from one state to another?

the High Court

Who has the right to transfer a judge from one High Court to another?

Chief Justice

Who is empowered to transfer a judge from?

(1) The President may, after consultation with the Chief Justice of India, transfer a Judge from one High Court to any other High Court.

What is appointment by transfer?

Explaining further, the Court said that transfer in relation to service simply means a change of a place of employment within an organization. Once an employee undergoes a transfer by way of a recruitment to a different cadre or to a different service, the employee loses his lien in the parent cadre/service.

How does a judge become chief justice?

Like the Associate Justices, the Chief Justice is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. There is no requirement that the Chief Justice serve as an Associate Justice, but 5 of the 17 Chief Justices have served on the Court as Associate Justices prior to becoming Chief Justice.

What is additional judge in High Court?

(2) When any Judge of a High Court other than the Chief Justice is by reason of absence or for any other reason unable to perform the duties of his office or is appointed to act temporarily as Chief Justice, the President may appoint a duly qualified person to act as a Judge of that Court until the permanent Judge has …

At what age a Judge of High Court retires?

65 years

Who can remove a judge of high court?

What is Additional Sessions Judge?

The court is presided over by a Judge, appointed by the High Court of that particular state. The High Court may also appoint Additional Sessions Judges and Assistant Sessions Judges in this court. In Indian cities, the Sessions Court is responsible for adjudicating matters related to criminal cases.

Who appoints session judge?

Sessions Court definition: In India, the Court of Sessions, commonly referred to as Sessions Court, has been established by the state government for every sessions division and it is presided over by a Sessions Court judge. The judge is appointed by the High Court of the state.