What is the person who writes down everything in court?

What is the person who writes down everything in court?

court reporter

Why do stenographers still exist?

In certain situations, a stenographer may still be requested because of the strong likelihood of post-judgment motions or appellate review of some sort. This is important because a stenographer that is present is making the record right then and there, and could convert it to a transcript in record time!

Is stenography a dying profession?

It is unlikely court reporters will disappear altogether. In high-volume courts, cases likely to be appealed, and capital crime cases, reporters will likely be used. Even with the advent of audio and video recording, the profession doesn’t seem threatened with extinction.

Do stenographers type every word?

How does it work? Court stenographers can type entire words all at once by striking multiple keys at the same time.

At what speed can stenographers type?

Some stenographers can reach 300 words per minute. The website of the California Official Court Reporters Association (COCRA) gives the official record for American English as 375 wpm.

Can you type 1000 words per minute?

“If you understand and appreciate that,” says Elizabeth Schotter, a cognitive psychologist at UC San Diego, “it becomes really obvious that no human being can read 1,000 or 2,000 words per minute and maintain the same levels of comprehension they do at 200 or 400 words per minute.”

Is it possible to type 300 wpm?

In very short bursts yes. When typing a small sentence people like Kukkain can get over 300 wpm however holding it for a significant amount of time … The longest that has been held for 50 minutes is 174 wpm so 200 might be possible however 300 would most likely require the our actual finger structure to be different.

Is 200 wpm possible?

It is possible, but very hard to average 200 wpm. Not very common, but I bet there is a handful that can peak 200. Sean Wrona has achieved it. If you have memorized a text or given a short text with very common words, you can.