What is the purpose of support groups?

What is the purpose of support groups?

A support group provides an opportunity for people to share personal experiences and feelings, coping strategies, or firsthand information about diseases or treatments.

What are some good open-ended questions?

Open-ended questions list

  • Why do you like the bands/performers that you like?
  • What was your worst travel experience?
  • What was the most important chance encounter you’ve had?
  • What is the process for making your favorite dish?
  • What is a good life?
  • How did going to school shape you as a person?

How do you facilitate a large group discussion?

How to Facilitate Discussions

  1. Understand the role of the facilitator. Stay neutral.
  2. Provide structure to the discussion. Decide on a process for the discussion, either independently or with your client.
  3. Guide the discussion. Focus on group process.
  4. Record the discussion in a visible way.
  5. Ensure productive group behaviors.
  6. Summarize the results.

What are key facilitation skills?

Take and look and see!

  • Communication Skills. A good facilitator encourages open communication.
  • Active Listening. Comprehension of the message that the speaker is conveying requires active listening.
  • Rapport Building.
  • Structuring and recording facts and feelings.
  • Developing Synergy.
  • Effective Techniques of Questioning.

What is an example of facilitation?

Facilitation skills are the abilities you use to provide opportunities and resources to a group of people that enable them to make progress and succeed. Some examples include being prepared, setting guidelines, being flexible, active listening and managing time.

How do I start a facilitation session?

Group Facilitation — A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Introduction.
  2. Plan ahead. A facilitator should participate as much as possible in meeting preparations and agenda planning.
  3. Meet with group members.
  4. Plan a site visit.
  5. Be well rested.
  6. Arrive early.
  7. Prepare opening activities.
  8. Identify ground rules.

What are facilitation tools?

Group Facilitation Techniques and Methods

  • Action planning. Action planning is vital for team success.
  • Brainstorming. Brainstorming is an ideal tool for generating a large quantity of ideas within the group.
  • Energisers.
  • Flip-chart.
  • Go wild:
  • Ground rules.
  • Group review.
  • Ice breakers.

What are the different types of facilitation?


  • Business facilitators. Business facilitators work in business, and other formal organizations but facilitators may also work with a variety of other groups and communities.
  • Conflict resolution facilitators.
  • Educational facilitators.
  • Small group facilitators.
  • Training facilitators.
  • Wraparound facilitators.

What is the difference between a teacher and a facilitator?

Traditionally, teachers are the ones with knowledge and expertise in a particular field. They impart that knowledge through a variety of means to their students. Facilitators build on the knowledge base of the group of students to find the answers to questions.

Is facilitation a soft skill?

Facilitation: A Critical Soft Skill For Success.

What is a role of a facilitator?

The definition of facilitate is “to make easy” or “ease a process.” What a facilitator does is plan, guide and manage a group event to ensure that the group’s objectives are met effectively, with clear thinking, good participation and full buy-in from everyone who is involved.

What are the things that a team building facilitator must be able to do?

Team Building & Facilitation

  • Defining team purpose and vision.
  • Clarifying roles and responsibilities.
  • Developing team processes and procedures.
  • Addressing communication issues.
  • Understanding team dynamics and development.
  • Implementing communication strategies.
  • Developing decision making and problem solving skills.

How do you lead a group conversation?

  1. 7 Ways to Start a Conversation that Leads Where You Want It to.
  2. Start with weather (or sports).
  3. Come out with a compliment.
  4. Talk about the venue.
  5. Ask a favor.
  6. Open with a joke.
  7. Start with an innocuous observation.
  8. Ask a question peripherally related to your intended topic.