What is the role of daughter?

What is the role of daughter?

A daughter’s role is to learn, grow, and become an adult. Being a daughter implies that there is a mother or father. It suggests that being a daughter entails expectations about a female’s behavior visà-vis a parent and a parent’s behavior vis-à-vis the daughter.

What is expected of a daughter?

Being a daughter implies that there is a mother or father. A daughter or son reasonably expects physical care and emotional support to a certain age, and parents might expect increasing domestic responsibility and self-direction with their child’s physical maturation.

What was expected of a daughter in Othello?

What was expected of a daughter? Daughters were seen as property to control by their fathers. They were expected to obey their father’s wishes and to marry by the age of thirteen. They were expected to preserve their chastity until marriage, and provide a dowry when they finally did marry.

What are the duties and responsibilities as a son daughter?

Both son and daughter have to treat their parents equally. Never disobey them, fulfill their wishes, make them happy and you be the reason of their happiness. Never hurt them. Respecting and being responsible is one of the most important duties of the son or daughter.

Which is the first duty of a child?

Duties of children Respect their parents, teachers, elders and love youngsters. Pay attention to personal hygiene. Help people in need. Sharing things with others.

Why do children need rights?

Childhood can and must be preserved. Children have the right to survive, develop, be protected and participate in decisions that impact their lives. The Right to Survival – to life, health, nutrition, name and nationality. The right to survival entails the right to a healthy life.

What are the basic family values?

10 most important family values to incorporate

  1. Valuing the Elders. The elders are important to the family unit.
  2. Hard Work. Hard work is a traditional value shared by many people.
  3. Respect. Respect is another traditional family value.
  4. Compassion.
  5. Eating Together.
  6. Responsibility.
  7. Creativity.
  8. Kindness.

What are moral values?

Moral values are relative values that protect life and are respectful of the dual life value of self and others. The great moral values, such as truth, freedom, charity, etc., have one thing in common. When they are functioning correctly, they are life protecting or life enhancing for all.

What is a strong moral code?

A moral code is a set of rules or guidelines that a person or group of people follow in order to live a life that is good. Moral codes are heavily dependent upon culture. The moral code that we live by influences many parts of our lives and often dictates how we act, how we dress, and even how we treat other people.

What are some examples of moral values?

While morals tend to be driven by personal beliefs and values, there are certainly some common morals that most people agree on, such as:

  • Always tell the truth.
  • Do not destroy property.
  • Have courage.
  • Keep your promises.
  • Do not cheat.
  • Treat others as you want to be treated.
  • Do not judge.
  • Be dependable.

What are examples values?

To help you, here’s a short list of personal values.

  • Achievement.
  • Adventure.
  • Courage.
  • Creativity.
  • Dependability.
  • Determination.
  • Friendship.
  • Health.

What values do you inculcate in your child?

Learning to be helpful No one can achieve a goal or complete a task without the help of others. Similarly, your kids should be willing to help others. You should inculcate the value of being helpful without any expectations from others. Tell them to always help those in need.

What values should a student have?

7 Important Moral Values Students Should Learn in School

  • Unconditional Love and Kindness. In most cases, if you love someone, they will love you back.
  • Honesty.
  • Hard Work.
  • Respect for Others.
  • Cooperation.
  • Compassion.
  • Forgiveness.