What is the third form of agree?

What is the third form of agree?

The past tense of agree is agreed. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of agree is agrees. The present participle of agree is agreeing. The past participle of agree is agreed.

What is the sentence of agree?

Agree sentence example. We both agree that you need to get out of this place for a while. He wanted to agree out of anger but couldn’t. I know you agree with me.

How do you use Agree?

Agree with means to have the same opinion as another person or to approve of something.

  1. I agree with you that spaghetti sauce can never have too much garlic.
  2. I agreed with the approach Mike adopted.

Is it I agree or agreed?

In this case, agreed on its own means “It is accepted”. agree is the verb form. If you use a verb on its own, it is an imperative: telling somebody to do something. So, if you simply say agree, you are telling the other person to agree with you.

Has agreed meaning?

If people are agreed on something, they have reached a joint decision on it or have the same opinion about it. Okay, so are we agreed on going north? [ + on] Everyone is agreed that something needs to be done about the situation. Synonyms: settled, given, established, guaranteed More Synonyms of agreed.

Are we all agreed meaning?

If two or more people are agreed, they have the same opinion: Are we all agreed (on that)? [ + that ] The members are agreed that the proposal should be rejected.

What is the past tense of agree?


simple pastⓘ past simple or preterit
I agreed
you agreed
he, she, it agreed
we agreed

How do you say Agreed?

Ways of expressing agreement:

  1. That’s right/You’re right/I know: used when agreeing with someone:
  2. Exactly/Absolutely/I couldn’t agree more: used for saying that you completely agree with someone:
  3. You can say that again/You’re telling me: a more informal way of saying that you completely agree with someone:

Is agreed a word?

adjective. arranged or set by common consent: They met at the agreed time.

How do the British agree?

Partial agreement is a little more difficult.

  1. Yes, OK, but perhaps..
  2. I see what you mean but have you thought about..
  3. I hear what you’re saying but..
  4. I accept what you’re saying but…
  5. I see your point but…
  6. I agree to some extent but..
  7. True enough but….
  8. On the whole, I agree with you but…

How do you agree and disagree politely?

So let’s take a look.

  1. I (completely / really / totally / absolutely / honestly / truly) agree with you (on that)
  2. I really think / believe so, too.
  3. I couldn’t agree more.
  4. I have come to the same conclusion.
  5. I hold the same opinion.
  6. I have no objection whatsoever.
  7. I see what you mean and I (must) agree with you.

How do you agree to disagree?

Here’s how:

  1. Acknowledge that it’s a disagree and commit situation. First, it’s helpful to tell your teammates that the decision isn’t sitting well with you.
  2. Confirm what you are agreeing to do.
  3. Ask for what you need to commit fully to the implementation.
  4. Consider what you would do if you really believed in the decision.

How do you agree with someone’s opinion?

We use these words and phrases to agree with someone else’s point of view:

  1. Of course.
  2. You’re absolutely right.
  3. Yes, I agree.
  4. I think so too.
  5. That’s a good point.
  6. Exactly.
  7. I don’t think so either.
  8. So do I.

Who says agree to disagree?

Origin. The phrase “agree to disagree” appeared in print in its modern meaning in 1770 when, at the death of George Whitefield, John Wesley wrote a memorial sermon which acknowledged but downplayed the two men’s doctrinal differences: There are many doctrines of a less essential nature …

What does the Bible say about agree to disagree?

On secondary issues this is wise advice: agree to disagree. Rom. 14:19 is a key verse: “… make every effort to do what leads to peace and mutual edification.”

How do you support a decision you don’t agree with?

It’s a tough task, so here are nine steps to communicating business decisions you don’t agree with.

  1. Prepare yourself.
  2. Maintain respect.
  3. Be specific.
  4. Don’t send mixed messages.
  5. Put yourself in your team’s shoes.
  6. Remember your remote employees.
  7. Allow for venting, not debate.
  8. Set clear expectations.

Why is disagree important?

If you earnestly seek, understand, and integrate disagreement with your position before making a decision, you can massively increase the quality of the decisions you make. That includes deciding not to take action in some situations — which can save you wasted time and effort.

What makes someone good at arguing?

A good debater never deviates from the topic. He knows the topic thoroughly and has the ability to clearly place points and express everything. Many a time debaters slowly deviate from the point as a strategy to win over the debate by straying the mind of his competitors.

How do you stay calm in an argument?

Neuroscience Tips to Remain Calm in an Argument

  1. Focus on what the other person is really trying to say.
  2. Don’t raise your voice.
  3. Pay attention to your body posture.
  4. Breathe.
  5. Exit an argument earlier than you think you need to.
  6. Think of something calm or funny.
  7. Don’t bring other issues into the argument.