What jobs are fun and make lots of money?

What jobs are fun and make lots of money?

12 of the most fun jobs in every field

  1. Video game designer. National average salary: $10.80 per hour.
  2. Fashion consultant. National average salary: $10.87 per hour.
  3. Radio announcer. National average salary: $13.61 per hour.
  4. Event planner.
  5. Race car driving instructor.
  6. Pet groomer.
  7. Race car mechanic.
  8. Sommelier.

What are the best jobs 2020?

These are the 20 best jobs in America in 2020, according to a new ranking—and they’re hiring

  • Operations manager.
  • Salesforce developer.
  • Finance manager.
  • Accounting manager.
  • Program manager.
  • Applications engineer.
  • Clinic manager. Job satisfaction rating: 3.9.
  • Physical therapist. Job satisfaction rating: 3.6.

What degrees are most in demand?

Most In Demand Degrees

  • Health Science. Health Science and Healthcare Administration is a promising career choice as medical technology and average life expectancy continues to increase.
  • Information Technology.
  • Engineering.
  • Business Administration.
  • Finance.
  • Human Resources.
  • Education.
  • Psychology.

What is the safest degree to get?

“Safe” Majors

  • Business. Business has been the most common degree attained for decades, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, and signs point to that trend continuing.
  • Biology, Chemistry, Physics.
  • Computer and Information Sciences.
  • Education.
  • Health Sciences.
  • Mathematics.

What degrees are worthless?

The 15 Most Useless College Degrees That Make Employers Ignore Your Resume

  • Computer science.
  • Multi-disciplinary or general science.
  • Advertising and public relations.
  • History.
  • Biology.
  • Communication technologies.
  • Intercultural and international studies.
  • Ethnic and civilization studies.

What is the most employable degree?

Top 10 Most Employable Degrees

  • Subjects allied to medicine – 93%.
  • Architecture, building & planning – 92%.
  • Education – 90%.
  • Engineering & technology – 85%.
  • Computer Science – 80%.
  • Mathematical sciences – 79%.
  • Business studies – 75%.
  • Law – 74%.

What is the most respected degree?

Rank Degree subject % high meaning
1 Petroleum Engineering 72%
2 Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) 44%
3 Applied Economics and Management 69%
4 Operations Research 48%

What are the most employable skills?

The top ten skills graduate recruiters want

  1. Commercial awareness (or business acumen) This is about knowing how a business or industry works and what makes a company tick.
  2. Communication.
  3. Teamwork.
  4. Negotiation and persuasion.
  5. Problem solving.
  6. Leadership.
  7. Organisation.
  8. Perseverance and motivation.

Can I be called doctor with a PhD?

Doctor as a noun Throughout much of the academic world, the term Doctor refers to someone who has earned a doctoral degree (highest degree) from a university. This is normally the Doctor of Philosophy, abbreviated PhD (sometimes Ph. D.

What title is higher than Professor?


Commonwealth System United States System
Professor (chair) Professor, distinguished professor, chaired professor, or equivalent
Reader, Principal Lecturer Professor
Senior lecturer Associate professor
Lecturer Assistant professor

Should a PhD be addressed as Dr?

Doctoral degree holders should be addressed by their title in the academy and in some professional settings. In the classroom, lab, or other relevant places, PhD-holders should be called by the academic title they have earned. The “Dr.” from an M.D. travels, but the title for a PhD holder should not.