What kind of a person is Madame Loisel Why is she always unhappy?

What kind of a person is Madame Loisel Why is she always unhappy?

loisel is a dreamy woman. She gives much value to her dreams. She over-looks the realities of life. That is why, she is always unhappy because dreams can’t be true .

Why was Matilda’s friend astonished to see her at the end?

Why was Matilda’s friend astonished to see her at the end of the story? Answer: Jeanne, Matilda’s friend , could not recognise her as she seemed an old and worn out, poor woman. Matilda was no longer her former beautiful and joyous self. She had lost her charm and was living an unfortunate life.

Why could Mrs Forestier not recognize her friend Matilda at the end of the story?

Explanation: On the day, when Madam Forestier met Mrs Loisel, she couldn’t recognise her because she had changed so badly. Mrs Loisel told the whole story and also the fact that her necklace was responsible for their miserable condition.

What could have happened to Matilda if she had confessed to her friend that she had lost the necklace?

Answer: If Matilda would have confessed to her friend that she had lost her necklace, she might have been in lesser trouble than what she faced after having replaced the necklace. Her friend would definitely have been angry with her. Matilda would thus have known that the jewels in the necklace were not real diamonds.

What were the 3 mistakes committed by Matilda?

She was always unhappy. She felt that she was born for all the delicacies and luxuries of life. She disliked being in her current circumstances. She lost the necklace and had to purchase a new one by taking loan this ruined her life.

What three mistakes Matilda Committed How could she have avoided her ruins?

Unable to find the diamond necklace, the Loisels had to replace it with a new one. they had to buy a new necklace worth thirty-six thousand dollars. Matilda could have avoided the miserable life that she and her husband had to resort by confessing to Mme Forestier that she had lost the necklace.

What kind of a person is her husband the necklace?

Her husband is an ordinary person who is happy with his life. He is a caring person who wants to see his wife happy.