What passive-aggressive means?

What passive-aggressive means?

Passive-aggressive behavior is a pattern of indirectly expressing negative feelings instead of openly addressing them. There’s a disconnect between what a passive-aggressive person says and what he or she does.

What do you call an aggressive person?

Some common synonyms of aggressive are assertive, militant, and self-assertive.

What is another word for passive-aggressive?

Today, passive-aggressive is also used in everyday conversation to refer to a tendency some people have toward a less direct style of communication, especially communication that may create conflict. Some potential synonyms for this kind of behavior are negativistic, apathetic, petulant, or snide.

What is instrumental aggression?

Instrumental aggression is harmful behavior engaged in without provocation to obtain an outcome or coerce others.

What is aggression and its types?

Aggression is a behavior with a goal of harming or injuring another being motivated to avoid such treatment. (a) Hostile: Inflicting physical or psychological harm. (b) Instrumental: Displaying aggression in pursuit of nonaggressive goal.

What is the other name for instrumental aggression?

There are two primary types of aggression: instrumental aggression and impulsive aggression. Instrumental aggression is differentiated from impulsive aggression because it’s usually aggression that is planned and goal oriented. Impulsive aggression is unplanned and happens in the heat of the moment.

What are the two types of aggression PE?

In sport, aggression has been defined into two categories: hostile aggression and instrumental aggression (Silva, 1983). Hostile aggression is when the main aim is to cause harm or injury to your opponent. Instrumental aggression is when the main aim is achieve a goal by using aggression.

What is the difference between direct and indirect aggression?

direct aggression may involve screaming at another person or hitting that person. Indirect aggression is defined as any behaviour aimed at the goal of harming another living being that is delivered circuitously through another person or object, even if it must nevertheless be intended to harm someone [21] .