What should I look for in a godly husband?

What should I look for in a godly husband?

10 Things Every Christian Girl Should Look for in a Husband

  • A man after God’s own heart.
  • A man willing to pray for and with you.
  • A man that embodies wisdom.
  • A man who is smart with his money.
  • A man with good work ethic.
  • A man that bears the fruits of the spirit.
  • A man who is willing to be a spiritual leader.
  • A man who keeps his word.

How can I be a godly husband?

6 Essential Ingredients for a Godly Marriage

  1. Faithfulness. When we say our vows at the altar, we promise to be faithful to one another for as long as we live.
  2. Honor. Merriam-Webster defines honor as “high respect; esteem.” It’s next-level respect, and as married couples, we’re meant to give the highest regard to one another.
  3. Humility.
  4. Patience.
  5. Understanding.
  6. Unity.

What is attractive to a godly man?

One of the greatest needs of man, besides sex, is respect. A man wants to feel in charge. He wants to feel like ‘the man’ that he is, not the second in command in his own house. And oh, nothing is more attractive to a Godly man than a meek and respectful woman.

What does wives submit to husbands mean?

Submission in marriage is a spirit of respect a wife has toward her husband. It is an attitude intended to help her and her husband to live a more contentful, peaceful life together.

How can I tame my gf?

Here is how to tame your girl’s crazy and needy impulses.

  1. Stay Connected. Remember when you first got to know her, and you just couldn’t stop calling and texting her?
  2. Keep Her Posted.
  3. Share Your Thoughts.
  4. Don’t Keep Compliments To Yourself.
  5. Belong To Her.
  6. Forget Her Not.

How do I educate my girlfriend?

13 Ways To Teach Your Girlfriend A Lesson After A Fight

  1. When she tries her hand at cooking, tell her her it’s good but not like your mom’s food.
  2. Make her watch Die Hard over and over again, until she realizes her mistake.
  3. Tell her you are taking her on a wine tasting trip and instead take her trekking.
  4. Photobomb her selfies.

How do you teach a man to love you?

10 Ways to Teach Your Man How to Love You Just Right

  1. Take The 5 Love Language Quiz.
  2. Feedback, Feedback and More Feedback!
  3. Treat Him How.
  4. Put It Out There.
  5. Slowly Immerse Him Into Your World.
  6. Be Vulnerable.
  7. Allow Him A Clean Slate.
  8. Leave Your Party Girl Image Behind.