What should I say to a couple?

What should I say to a couple?

11 Things The Happiest Couples Say To Each Other All The Time

  1. “I’m here for you.” Couples who consistently remind each other that they have each other’s backs are more capable of taking on whatever challenges life throws their way.
  2. “Can I help you with that?”
  3. “You look amazing.”
  4. “I have faith in you.”
  5. “Thank you.”
  6. “I’m sorry.”
  7. “Yes.”
  8. “I would like it if…”

What is a good relationship quote?

“True love stories never have endings.” “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”

What are the most inspirational quotes?

Inspirational Quotes About Life and Success

  • 2) “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity.
  • 3) “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.”
  • 4) “You learn more from failure than from success.
  • 6) “If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed.

How do you make a powerful quote?

9 Tips for Writing and Editing Effective Quotes

  1. Write like real people talk.
  2. Use phrasing that is memorable and helps create a picture in the reader’s mind.
  3. Provide meaningful insights and perspectives in a quote that increase the value of the quote and the likelihood of its pick-up by media.

How do you make a deep quote?

How to Write Realistic-Sounding Inspirational Quotes (Part I)

  1. Make a list of Pleasant Nouns. Touchy-feely ones, that invoke warm fuzzy feelings.
  2. Make a list of Unpleasant Nouns. That evoke negative images.
  3. Make a list of Verbs. Think of “Action” verbs, including some opposites.
  4. Don’t be afraid to slightly modify the template, and mix and match opposites.