What still means?

What still means?

adjective, still·er, still·est. remaining in place or at rest; motionless; stillness: to stand still. free from sound or noise, as a place or persons; silent: to keep still about a matter. subdued or low in sound; hushed: a still, small voice. free from turbulence or commotion; peaceful; tranquil; calm: the still air.

What mean I’m down?

”I’m down” meaning to be amenable to something As mentioned earlier, the primary definition of “I’m down” is that you are open to an activity or action. For example, if your friend invites you to go clubbing on the weekend, you can respond by saying “I’m down” to indicate that you are willing to go out.

Are you down meaning period?

When us women, are on our period, why do we call it ‘being down’? This video by Sofy tells us that having our period is a liberating, elating feeling that every woman must be proud of. It is the sign of being healthy, it is the sign of being a woman.

How do you respond to I’m down?

I could respond by saying yeah, I’m down for it. I think I could go out for a good burger and maybe some fries. I’m definitely down for it. So, in English, when you say I’m down for it, it means basically, yes.

What does when I’m down mean?

I am down” can also mean that you are sad. When someone asks “are you okay?” You can respond with “No, I am a little down” meaning that you are a little sad or upset. Even though this phrase doesn’t always mean the same thing, people will understand what you are saying 🙂 See a translation.

Where did I’m down come from?

“I’m down with it” or more often “I’m down with that” is confirmation, acceptance as in “that’s fine by me”, or commitment. It’s originally African American jazz slang from around 1935. It was popular during the 1990s especially in rap and hip hop, also in the 1970s, and in jazz from the 1930s to at least the 1960s.

What does I’m down with you mean?

down with (someone or something) A phrase used to emphasize one’s opposition to someone or something, especially that the offending person or thing be removed or eliminated.

Are you up for anything Meaning?

“I’m up for anything” usually means “I’m willing to do whatever you suggest.” People often say it when they are asked what they want to do, but they have nothing particular in mind.

Are you down for fun Meaning?

It’s slang. Down to have fun, means you’re willing to just have some fun. Person 1: Are you down for seeing a movie tonight? Person 2: Oh, I’m so down for that!

Are you down for hook up meaning?

Relationships. Hooking up generally refers to having sex; however, many others indicated that when they say hooking up they are referring to something less than intercourse. Hooking up is means for experiencing casual sexual encounters, but it is also a means for beginning relationships.

Is it wrong to hook up?

Hooking up can be risky because the relationship is not typically monogamous, and when it’s labeled as a friends with benefits relationship or other similar pseudo-commitment, it can lead to a false sense of security that might make people be less cautious.