What to say when someone tells you their problems?

What to say when someone tells you their problems?

Sharing their own reactions: “I’m so sorry, “I’m so angry,” “I feel so helpless; I wish there was something I could do,” or even “I don’t know what to say.” Creating space for your pain: “Do you want to talk about it?” “It’s OK to cry,” or, “We don’t have to talk; I’m happy to just sit here with you.”

How do you say sorry quotes?

Sorry Love Quotes – Inspiration

  1. Sometimes the best way to say “I’m sorry” doesn’t involve words.
  2. My heart has been leaking and bleeding since the day I hurt you.
  3. I have learned that sometimes SORRY is not enough.
  4. I just want to tell you that I did not really know what happened to me, I’m sorry, my love.

How do you say sorry poem?


  1. I Wish I could Take It Back. Sorry seems to be a very small word,
  2. I Was Selfish, I Was Mean. The pain I’m feeling is like daggers in my heart,
  3. I’m Sorry. I’m sorry making you so sad,
  4. I Feel Stupid. I brought tears to your eyes and made you cry,
  5. Please Give Me One Last Chance.
  6. I Hurt You So Bad.
  7. I am sorry.
  8. Deep and hurt.

How do you say sorry indirectly?

Will you please forgive my insensitivity/error/indiscretion… I am completely at fault here, and I apologize… I am unhappy about (or I regret) the pain/inconvenience you’ve been caused. This situation has filled me with regret…

How do you say sorry for hurting someone?

I realize I hurt your feelings, and I’m sorry,” acknowledges that you know what it was you said that hurt the other person, and you take responsibility for it. Don’t make assumptions and don’t try to shift the blame. Make it clear that you regret your actions and that you are sincerely sorry.

How do you say sorry for sending the wrong message?

I am really sorry, I sent you this message by mistake. I am really sorry, I accidently sent you that message. It was not ment to be send to you. I am so sorry.

How do you say sorry for harsh words?

100+ Best “I’m Sorry” Messages To Apologize To Your Significant Other

  1. I am an imperfect being, but this does not justify the mistakes that I have made to you.
  2. I never meant to upset you because you are valuable to me.
  3. I always cause some mess.
  4. I’m sorry for making you sad and hurting you because of my crazy temper.

How do you say sorry example?

Apology Examples for Notes, Cards, and Letters

  1. I don’t know what I was thinking.
  2. I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t forgive me.
  3. You deserve so much better.
  4. When I think back now, I feel sick for doing what I did.
  5. Even though I probably don’t deserve it, I want to ask for your forgiveness anyway.

How do you apologize maturely?

Elements of a Perfect Apology

  1. Say you’re sorry. Not, “I’m sorry, but . . .”, just plain ol’ “I’m sorry.”
  2. Own the mistake. It’s important to show the other person that you’re willing to take responsibility for your actions.
  3. Describe what happened.
  4. Have a plan.
  5. Admit you were wrong.
  6. Ask for forgiveness.