What words do open ended questions begin with?

What words do open ended questions begin with?

Open-ended questions begin with the following words: why, how, what, describe, tell me about…, or what do you think about… 3. Use open-ended questions as follow ups for other questions. These follow ups can be asked after open or closed-ended questions.

What is an example of an open question?

An open-ended question is a question that cannot be answered with a “yes” or “no” response, or with a static response. Examples of open-ended questions: Tell me about your relationship with your supervisor. How do you see your future?

What are examples of closed-ended questions?

Here are examples of closed-ended questions in these types of situations:

  • Would you like vanilla ice cream?
  • Have you ever met Joe before?
  • Where did you go to college?
  • What is your best quality?
  • Are you happy?
  • Do you enjoy your car?
  • Does your brother have the same interests as you?
  • Do you have a pet?

How do you start a question?

If you want more information than a simple yes/no answer, you must ask a question starting with one of the following question words: what, where, when, why, which, who(m), whose, how. In this kind of question you also normally use an auxiliary or modal: What did you say?

How do you use if you don’t mind?

People use the expression if you don’t mind when they are rejecting an offer or saying that they do not want to do something, especially when they are annoyed. ‘Sit down. ‘—’I prefer standing for a while, if you don’t mind.

How do you use if you don’t mind me?

used in order to be more polite when you say something that could slightly upset, annoy, or embarrass someone: If you don’t mind me saying (so), I think the soup needs a little more salt. Do you have a boyfriend, if you don’t mind me asking?

Is if you don’t mind polite?

A polite affirmative response when asked if one wants something to be done. A: “Do you want me to sort through these papers on your desk?” B: “If you don’t mind.