Where is Carlos Santana now?

Where is Carlos Santana now?

Though he no longer lives in the Bay Area, Carlos Santana holds fond memories of his time here—including living in Aptos, where he moved with his first wife in the early ’70s. “It was time to start a family,” says Santana, who now lives in Las Vegas, via phone.

Is Santana dead Jojo?

Santana IS alive, although permanently kept in a state of sleep/paralysis by the speed wagon corporation.

Is Kars stronger than Dio?

Kars is much faster than base DIO and possesses far stronger physical brutality, intelligence, durability and best of all: Solar Immunity.

Is dio a pillar man?

Initially, Dio was no where even close to a Pillar Man. He’s just an average vampire. After devouring countless humans however, he became much stronger.

Is Wamuu stronger than Kars?

For instance as Wamuu holy sandstorm has a better range and is more destructive in the sense that one hit directly or indirectly would cripple Kars. Additionally, for Kars to land a hit he would have to be within close range of Wamuu which would be almost impossible as he would be far away dodging the holy sandstorm.

Can Dio over heaven beat Kars?

DIO defeats Ultimate Kars with zero effort. First off, Kars cannot see stands so there’s no chance he can really fight offensively. While Ultimate Kars is the ultimate life form, Dio Gone to Heaven (not overheaven) with his stand the world over heaven, can rewrite reality. So he can just write Kars out of reality.

Can Giorno kill Kars?

No, because Kars can recover from any injury almost instantaneously, so he wouldn’t even get to the “dying” part. The worst that GER could do is prevent Kars from taking any action and break him psychologically, but that would take a very long time due to how persistent Kars is.

Can Kars die?

It doesn’t have to be an ability. When dropped into a volcano, the hot lava was enough to begin killing Kars, he just didn’t let it happen. He isn’t invincible, he just has a lot of counters, and developed a counter to his weakness(the sun/harmon). Ultimate Lifeform Kars cannot die.

Can jotaro beat Kars?

No matter how many punches jotaro delivers on stopped time it won’t kill kars. So jotaro might put up a fight, and his time stop will be a nuisance, but kars will find a way to beat him eventually. Jotaro has no way of killing or containing kars.

Can Kars use Hamon?

Immortality: Kars is invincible, immortal, and nigh indestructible. He does not age, is self-sustaining, and is described as more beautiful than a Greek sculpture. Additionally, his previous weakness to UV light is completely negated, along with his weakness to Hamon.

Who can beat Kars?

Ultimate Kars’ abilities are beyond limitless, making him a potential threat to the strongest Stands in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.

  • 4 Could Beat: Alessi.
  • 5 Would Lose To: Bruno Bucciarati.
  • 6 Could Beat: Koichi.
  • 7 Would Lose To: Okuyasu.
  • 8 Could Beat: DIO.
  • 9 Would Lose To: Steely Dan.
  • 10 Could Beat: Kakyoin.

Can Naruto beat Kars?

Kars gets obliterated. Naruto massively surpasses him in almost every category save for intelligence.

Can Kira kill Goku?

Yoshikage Kira (when he touches Goku) will immedently kill Goku.

Could Hamon beat a stand?

Since you can hit, but not damage stands with mundane objects, and both stands and hamon are considered “life energy” it would make sense that if you were channeling hamon into an object and hit a stand, it would damage it. However, he defeated the user using his own Stand Hermit Purple.

Why did JoJo get rid of Hamon?

In an interview, Araki said the reason for the shift from Hamon to Stands was because after the end of Part 2, his editor told Araki that “Hamon is old hat.” Araki himself was taken aback by this statement, but began brainstorming nonetheless and eventually came up with the idea for Stands.

Why did JoJo stop Hamon?

Hamon was abandoned due to multiple reasons, but according to Araki, the biggest reason he let go of Hamon was because his editor at the time advised him so.

Does jotaro have PTSD?

Jotaro is no different, he suffers from ptsd and survives guilt araki wanted to show that at his core Jotaro is just a person and the events in Egypt did not leave him unharmed.

Did jotaro divorce his wife?

Jotaro also divorced his wife, which only furthered the gap between him and Jolyne. She even changed the spelling of her last name ‘Kujo’ to ‘Cujoh’ to further distant herself from him.

Is jotaro actually dead?

Jotaro dies in Part 6 Stone Ocean. Jotaro and the crew were in a pickle with Pucci and how his Time Acceleration was boosting his speed by the second. During one of Pucci’s attacks where he threw knives at Jolyne and Jotaro quickly stopped time to prevent it.

Does Jotaro Kujo have autism?

In jotaro’s character bio, he is said to not be verbally expressive becuase he truly believes people know his motives and feelings with out him explaining, which is A HUGE AUTISTIC TRAIT.

Does Giorno have autism?

Giorno Giovanna is the first Gio Gio born in the Giovanna bloodline, being borned from his gay, vampire, father, Dio Brandito. Gio is a high functionig autistic. He may not seem like it to the naked eye, however he barely talks and when he does, it’s kinda stupid not gonna lie.

Who is the strongest joBro?

Strongest joBro

  • Koichi Hirose.
  • Lisa Lisa. It was shown that Lisa Lisa was on par with Kars, Kars >= Lisa Lisa > Wammu >= Caesar.
  • Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli.
  • Rudolf von Stroheim.
  • Will A. Zeppeli.
  • Lucy Steel. only ticket to ride.
  • Robert E.O. Speedwagon. he will always be number 1 in our hearts.
  • Poco.

Why is jotaro rude?

He is disrespectful in words but he respect his mom. Kinda like how friends who will insult each other and fight over petty things is actually better friends than ones who only talk praises and all happy. But jotaro take this to a more extreme level. He is disrespectful in words but he respect his mom.

Did jotaro marry Anne?

There are theories that Jotaro married her, but nothing is confirmed. HIGH MOUNTAINS!! It’s confirmed he didn’t. Jotaro’s wife and Anne look nothing at all alike.

Did jotaro quit smoking?

He smoked FOR that darkness, but once he was no longer underaged he was no longer getting censored, so there was no point to it anymore. I like to imagine that smoking was part of Jotaro’s edgy teenage rebel persona, and he quit after he grew out of that.

Why does JoJo say Ora?

according to google translate , ora means “Oh” and muda means “Useless”. So whenever DIO says muda or “useless” Jotaro replies with ora or “Oh”.