Which Cannot be described in words?

Which Cannot be described in words?

It’s beyond expression. If something is so powerful or emotional that you can’t even describe it, it’s ineffable. Ineffable ideas and emotions are difficult to put into words. This word comes from the adjective effable, which means “something that can lawfully be expressed in words,” and isn’t used much anymore.

Can a person be ineffable?

A person can be described as being ineffable as a compliment: On the odd occasion an individual may refer to another individual as being ineffable if they are in awe of the individual which they are talking about.

What does summarily mean?

adverb. in a prompt or direct manner; immediately; straightaway. without notice; precipitately: to be dismissed summarily from one’s job.

How do you use ineffable?

Ineffable in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The model’s beauty is ineffable and has everyone tongue-tied.
  2. When Jake saw his fiancée walking down the church aisle, he experienced an ineffable feeling.
  3. Obviously, my husband’s request for a divorce has left me in an ineffable mood.

What does malign mean?

1a : evil in nature, influence, or effect : injurious the malign effects of illicit drugs. b : malignant, virulent a malign lesion. 2 : having or showing intense often vicious ill will : malevolent gave him a malign look..

What is the opposite of ineffable?

Antonyms: profane, expressible, secular. Synonyms: unnameable, atrocious, painful, indefinable, awful, terrible, unpronounceable, unspeakable, indescribable, unutterable, untellable, abominable, dreadful.

What does the word ineffective mean?

1 : not producing an intended effect : ineffectual ineffective lighting. 2 : not capable of performing efficiently or as expected : incapable an ineffective executive. Other Words from ineffective Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about ineffective.

What is the difference between ineffective and ineffectual?

It means too weak to produce the desired effect. Ineffectual is similar to ineffective, but while ineffective implies that something simply doesn’t work, ineffectual carries with it the idea of weakness too.

What does not effective mean?

not effective; not producing results; ineffectual: ineffective efforts; ineffective remedies. inefficient or incompetent; incapable: an ineffective manager. lacking in artistic effect, as a literary work, theatrical production, or painting.

What is the meaning of combative?

: marked by eagerness to fight or contend.

What is the meaning of immovable?

1 : incapable of being moved broadly : not moving or not intended to be moved. 2a : steadfast, unyielding. b : not capable of being moved emotionally. immovable. noun.

What means self centered?

1 : independent of outside force or influence : self-sufficient. 2 : concerned solely with one’s own desires, needs, or interests.

Is self-centered the same as narcissistic?

“A narcissist is someone who is self-centered and self-focused. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental illness.”