Which country has longest summer season?

Which country has longest summer season?


Why is summer beautiful?

In the summer seasons the sun it the most active, it means that everything in the nature gets a lot of energy form the sun, to support life, breeding and feeding. You know, that summer is the best season for seeing rainbow! This amazing and really beautiful phenomenon is created by “cooperation” of sun rays and water.

Why does summer make me happy?

The length of daytime and nighttime, and our exposure to light have such an enormous effect on our biological clocks, levels of serotonin (which effects our mood), and levels of melatonin (which work with mood and sleep). It’s easy to understand why summer is such a better time for many of us.

What do we wear in summer?

During summer, we normally wear light coloured cotton clothes. We sweat a lot in summers. Cotton is a good absorber of water. Thus, it absorbs sweat from our body and exposes the sweat to the atmosphere, making its evaporation faster.

Which summer clothes are best?

  1. White T-shirt. The white T-shirt may not be the most exciting piece of clothing, but it is one of the most versatile.
  2. Denim Jacket. Although you don’t need a lot of outerwear in summer, a denim jacket is essential.
  3. Classic Two-Strap Sandals.
  4. White Shirt.
  5. Carryall Tote.
  6. Boyfriend Jeans.
  7. Shirt Dress.
  8. Midi Skirt.

What do we eat in summer?

Here are some foods that are absolutely refreshing to consume during the summer heat, and they come with the added benefit of being healthy for your body.

  • Iced Coffee and Tea –
  • Melons –
  • Mangoes –
  • Salads –
  • Berries –
  • Corn –
  • Fresh Juice –

How do we enjoy summer season?

Summer Bucket List Activities: 80 Fun Things to Do this Sunny Season

  • ✦ Go to an Amusement Park.
  • ✧ Leap Off a Rope Swing.
  • ✦ Pick Strawberries.
  • ✦ Try a New Food. Have you ever tried raw oysters, escargot or frog’s legs?
  • ✦ Attend an Outdoor Concert.
  • ✦ Ride a Ferris Wheel.
  • ✦ Attend a Parade.
  • ✦ Have a Picnic.

Which fruits are good for summer season?

Some of the best fruits to eat during the summer are:

  • Watermelon. Summers are incomplete without this red and juicy fruit.
  • Mango. There are so many people out there who love summers just because of mangoes.
  • Papaya. Another great fruit that you can eat during summers is papaya.
  • Guava.
  • Strawberries.
  • Plums.
  • Grapes.
  • Pineapple.

How do you describe summer?

Here are some adjectives for summer weather: magnificent, real, muggy, hot, delightful, pleasant, free sunny, extraordinary warm, serene, beautiful, soft hazy, beautiful hot, sweet, mild, warm and sunny, typical european, soft, hazy, hot, muggy, clear, hot, calm, bright, warm, genial, long, sultry, hot, bright, hottest …

How would you describe a summer night?

Here are some adjectives for summer nights: motionless hot, glorious, soft, breathless, interminable, sultry brilliant, hot, transparent, hot, lazy, yellow moonlit, cold, thy, clear, short, warm clear, warm, heavy, clear cold, long, bright, sultry, rainless, calm, sweet, sweltering, long, hot, moonlit, bitter cold.

How do you describe air in writing?

Here are some adjectives for air: horizontal misty, palpable brown, breath-real, deep breath-real, stale warm, nitrous and common, serious contemplative, fresh nitrous, grateful fresh, ever-present enchanting, dry pure, deep and sleepy, keen pure, pure frosty, open and fresh, properly thick and fragrant, properly thick …

How do you describe a night in a story?

Evening and Night

  • The evening sun cast long shadows on the ground.
  • The sky was ablaze with the fire of the setting sun.
  • The night sky was aglow with bright city lights.
  • The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky.
  • We looked up at the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity.

How do you describe summer in a story?

Describing Summer

  • The night sky was heather-purple.
  • Humming bees darted through the air.
  • The stars were glittering like scattered space dust.
  • The beaked chorus of birds filled the air.
  • The edible ceps looked like shiny penny buns.
  • Clouds were latched to the unending sky.
  • The afternoon sky was cocktail-blue.
  • The grass was downy soft.

How would you describe a perfect summer day?

‘A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawnmower is broken. ‘ A perfect summer day for me would start without a cloud in the sky and a high temperature around 80 degrees with low humidity.

How do you describe a storm in writing?

Using specific, active verbs for the storm’s motion gives readers a more detailed image of the story’s events. For example, the sentence, “The dark sky was lit up by lightning,” is a good start, but revising it to include an active verb can make the description even more forceful: “Lightning flashed across the sky.”

What is storm in simple words?

A storm is a violent meteorological phenomena in which there is heavy rain, and wind due to moisture in the air. Hail and Lightning are also common in storms. A storm is associated with severe weather and may be marked by strong wind, thunder, lightning and heavy precipitation such as ice.

What words describe a storm?

Here are some adjectives for storm: unseasonably severe and perilous, tremendous and utterly unaccountable, lengthy and ferocious, worst autumnal, rapid-fire verbal, strangest such, sullen eastern, unseasonably severe, new, furious, tremendous, confusing, frightening uncontrollable, massive earthbound, sluggish.

How do you describe wind in writing?


  • windyadjective. with a lot of wind.
  • stormyadjective. with a lot of rain and strong winds.
  • breezyadjective. with a lot of light wind.
  • blusteryadjective. with strong winds.
  • briskadjective. if it is brisk, the weather is fairly cold and a fairly strong wind is blowing.
  • wildadjective.
  • unsettledadjective.
  • freshadjective.