Who is better Joker or Thanos?

Who is better Joker or Thanos?

So far only one person has played Thanos. His portrayal of Thanos was amazing. However if you consider the best acting as the Joker, Heath Ledger, then Brolin portrayed Thanos so much better.

Is the Joker a good guy?

10 Times Joker Was Actually A Good Guy (And the 10 Times He Was His Most Twisted) Joker is not only Batman’s greatest enemy but also one of the sickest, most deranged, twisted villains to ever exist in any comic book line. When Joker is good, it never feels right but is entertaining nonetheless.

Why is Joker a bad guy?

The most common story involves him falling into a tank of chemical waste that bleaches his skin white and turns his hair green and lips bright red; the resulting disfigurement drives him insane. The antithesis of Batman in personality and appearance, the Joker is considered by critics to be his perfect adversary.

Who are Joker’s real parents?

In Joker, Thomas Wayne (Batman’s father) and Penny Fleck (Joker’s mother) are key characters. Penny claims that Thomas is actually Arthur’s father. The movie wants you to guess for yourself who’s telling the truth.

Is Batman Good or bad?

Batman is neither good or evil. He doesnt care about good or evil, and is not really capable of it. Batman is a victim. He is sick and tries to get better, but his methods are ineffective.

Is Joker a villain or hero?

Joker, who became Gotham’s most infamous criminal mastermind and the most diabolical of Batman’s nemeses, had to start somewhere.

Why is Batman so useless?

He can’t take the hits he used to be able too, nor deal the amount of damage he once could. While his ingenious gadgets give him a slight edge in any battle, he is slower and weaker than most of his enemies. This is why he is seen as being ‘useless’ in any fighting situation he has not been able to plan for.

Why does Batman never kill?

First, Batman does not want to be murderer. He dedicates his life to being able to stop his opponents without lethal force. Second, he worries that once he crosses that line, he will not cross back. Third, he wants to believe that even the worst criminal can be stil be saved.

What is Batman not good at?

He’s terrible at showing people how much he cares and values them. He’s fought with all his partners at various times for not showing enough commitment to “the cause”. He doesn’t trust anyone. He made detailed plans to defeat everyone in the Justice League.

What was Batman’s weakness?

Batman’s no-kill rule is the foundation of his character, but has put him in great perils. Batman’s greatest weaknesses such as his humanity, vulnerability, and moralities – while weakening him – are also his greatest strengths.