Who is the father of Olivia Pope baby?

Who is the father of Olivia Pope baby?

Eli Pope

How much older is Fitz than Olivia?

Thinking she is late 30’s–so guessing about 12 year age difference. she was 12 when her mom “died”, 22 years later she found out her mom was alive. by that time fitz was 50-51 so she was likely 34-35. so about a 15 year age difference.

Why was Olivia Pope’s mom in jail?

Season Four After Olivia’s abduction, Jake, Huck, Quinn and David contact Maya in prison, because they need an access code to the Dark Net Auction Olivia is being sold on. Olivia visits Maya in prison after her father has the Grand Jury for the B613-Case killed.

Is Mellie pregnant by Fitz dad?

Fitz agrees to run for Governor of California and Mellie informs him at their campaign celebration that she is pregnant with their first child, who Fitz decides will be called Jerry after his father.

Does Olivia find out her dad killed Jerry?

After Rowan basically framed Jake for the murders of Harrison (Columbus Short) and POTUS’ son, Jerry (Dylan Minnette), Olivia set out to clear her boyfriend’s name, finally uncovering the truth that her father was the mastermind behind it all.

Why did Verna kill Fitz?

As he gives the eulogy, a flashback reveals that before she died Verna revealed that Cyrus, Mellie and Olivia rigged the election for him and that she tried to assassinate him in order to set things right without admitting her guilt to anyone and tarnishing her legacy.

How did Mellie and Fitz son die?

To make matters worse, Jerry dies because he’s injected with a sub-strain of meningitis by Fitz’s former Secret Service agent, Tom, on the orders of Olivia’s father.

Why did Jake kill James Novak?

Jake shows up, kills both the reporter and the NSA employer, and shoots either James or David. It turns out it was James who got shot by Jake in order to protect the secret of Sally Langston killing her husband. David agrees to keep quiet about what just happened.

Do Mellie and Fitz get divorced?

Fitz and Mellie Finally Get Divorced.

Is Jerry Big Jerry’s son?

5. Fitz learns that his father, Big Jerry, raped Mellie while he was campaigning for governor of California, and Mellie tells him that she took a paternity test. “Jerry is your son, not his,” she tells him.

Did Maya Pope kill Jerry?

Moments after Fitz receives the news, Rowan appears, offering to track down and kill Maya Pope in revenge. But, he says, to do that, he needs to be allowed to work in secret, outside the law. LIv catches them conspiring together and learns the truth: her mother killed Jerry.

Does Fitz and Olivia get married?

Olivia no longer has an obligation to the White House or to OPA, and Fitz is no longer married or president. They’re free of all the obstacles they once had to fight in order to be together (often in secret), so it makes sense that Scandal, in closing, would give them the chance to find happiness together, too.

Does Fitz know Rowan is Olivia’s dad?

Rowan visits a prisoner pulled off the doomed plane: Maya Pope, Olivia’s presumed-dead mother now held in prison. Oh, and Fitz finally learns Rowan is Olivia’s father.