Who is the informant on a birth certificate?

Who is the informant on a birth certificate?

if the baby’s parents were married to each other at the time of the birth the mother and father are qualified informants. One of them may attend on their own or they both may attend together. if the baby’s parents were not married to each other at the time of the birth then only the mother is the qualified informant.

How can I find out my time of birth?

Here are the steps to follow to find your birth time:

  1. Don’t ask your mom. Contrary to what many people believe, mom’s memory may be the last source to rely on.
  2. Best source is the birth certificate.
  3. Research online.
  4. Other places to look.
  5. Family lore.
  6. Contact the hospital.
  7. If no record is available.

Are birth charts accurate?

A person’s birth chart, particulary if the exact birth time is known, is accurate because correlations between celestial and earthly phenomena do exist. A skeptic will totally disagree, of course. But many skeptics are misinformed about astrology.

Is there any truth to zodiac signs?

The signs of the zodiac have existed for hundreds of thousands of years. The zodiac signs consist of 12 astrological signs, each based on a single month of the year. There are those who dismiss astrology as false, but the truth is that the signs of the zodiac do have some value to them.

What can a birth chart tell you?

Of course, the signs that the moon and the planets align with have major impacts on who you are, too. A well-made chart can tell you “about you, your family, the life that you were born into, and what your soul is looking to heal and/or achieve in this lifetime,” Belgrave said.

How much does a birth chart reading cost?

The best part about reading your birth chart online, second only to getting to feel like an astrologer yourself, is that it’s free. If you set up a chart reading in person, it could cost you a couple hundred dollars.

Is Cafe astrology accurate?

Yes, Cafe Astrology is a legitimate site. Their “About Us ” offers a description about what the site proposes to do and about Annie Heese, the owner.

How do you find a good astrologer?

Choosing an astrologer is a lot like seeking any other professional; ask for referrals, ask your friends who is a good astrologer, use your own intuition, check out the astrologers experience and education.

Why is astrology so accurate?

So, what makes Astrology so accurate? Astrology is based on scientific calculations of constellations and planetary movements. The stars and planets don’t necessarily influence things, but they are markers of time and allow us to understand what cycle we are in when a person is born.