Why did Abby die?

Why did Abby die?

Abby, who was Ray’s wife, sadly died of cancer during Season 5 (after a string of episodes featuring a non-linear storyline where no one knew what happened to her), a situation that Paula admitted was challenging to portray. “I had a ringside seat to cancer. As have most people,” she explained.

Why did Monty die in the 100?

In the final instalment of The 100 it was revealed Monty (played by Christopher Larkin) and Harper (Chelsey Reist) had died after they escaped Earth. Their death was confirmed by their son Jordan (Devon Bostick) in the last minutes as he noted they had passed away due to old age.

Why did Marcus Kane float himself?

However, he is unable to bring himself to live in such a state and chooses to die and take the new Nightblood with him. At his request, Kane is floated by Indra from Eligius IV after a final goodbye with Abby.

Does Jaha make it to Earth?

Jaha (Isaiah Washington) had just resigned himself to his fate when he hears a baby crying. He found it locked in a cupboard, and decided that he couldn’t let it die, so he devised a plan to get to Earth. And Jaha actually did make it to Earth, although he landed in the middle of a desert (oops).

What happens to Diana in the 100?

In Fog of War, Raven Reyes discovers that Mount Weather crashed the Exodus dropship and thus killed Diana and her followers.

Was there really a baby with Jaha?

Basically Jaha had a hallucination and the baby was never real. The baby was Wells when he was a baby and it was like a flashback almost. It was just a mix of lack of oxygen plus grief over Wells. they weren’t successful to portray the baby as an illusion.

Did Bellamy really die?

Fans were shocked when Bellamy Blake (Bob Morley) was killed off with only three episodes left. Bellamy had been part of the series since its first episode and quickly became a fan-favorite, which is why his death was such a significant blow.

Is Clarke dead?

Desperate to get their daughter Josephine back, the rulers of Sanctum implant Clarke with her Mind Drive, allowing Josephine to possess Clarke’s body while the process is stated to wipe the host’s mind, effectively killing Clarke. Its later revealed that Clarke survived the process and is trapped within her own mind.

Does Octavia get pregnant in the 100?

They never had a kid Octavia was never pregnant. If you google the 100 there’s a clip of her telling Lincoln she’s pregnant, then they show the baby, then they leave it behind for her brother to take care of.