Why do I feel awkward around my ex?

Why do I feel awkward around my ex?

Sometimes, being uncomfortable around an ex could be as a result of the situations surrounding the breakup. When it comes to moving on from a relationship, especially the type that hit really hard and broke you, and left you really hurt and damaged, there is a lot more involved.

Why is my ex leading me on?

Your Ex is Just Leading You On One reason could be your strong feelings towards that person. Another reason could be the fact that you do not want to let go of your ex. Because of these, your ex might want to take advantage of you.

How can I stop feeling awkward around my ex?

How Can I Stop Myself From Feeling Nervous Around My Ex?

  1. Think confident thoughts, rather than nervous thoughts. If you continue to think nervous thoughts every time you interact with your ex, it’s only natural that you will feel nervous around her.
  2. Become more emotionally independent.
  3. Arm yourself with new ways to attract her.
  4. Don’t take the interactions so seriously.

What does silence say about a person?

Silence most of the time is a signal that person is continuously thinking something, that person is in a deep thought. Silence can be a signal that person is in their own world of thoughts and thinking. As it says sometimes silence can be the most powerful scream.

What does silence symbolize?

Typically, silence is used to convey an abstinence or forbearance from speech/utterance. In other words, silence is the intentional or imposed state of muteness. Silence denotes an inaudible condition or moment of complete stillness.

Does silence mean love?

That it’s totally over. Sometimes silence means love. You say nothing when someone mentions their name, you say nothing when someone talks about their love life. Silence is also a sign of devotion.

What does silence mean in a woman?

Silence is often a woman’s loudest scream, and it can mean everything to her if you tune into the static. 1) She’s taking the high road. When everything has been said, talk seems futile. Instead of hurting herself – or hurting you – even more than the situation already has, she is choosing to let things go.

Why does a girl give you the silent treatment?

Research. Researchers have found that the silent treatment is used by both men and women to terminate a partner’s behaviors or words rather than to elicit them. 1 In abusive relationships, the silent treatment is used to manipulate the other person and to establish power over them.

What does silence do to your ex?

Silence speaks volumes Believe it, the silence and zero reaction really bothers your ex, and they consider it as the best served revenge. Nothing creates more curiosity than silence. Your ex would expect a vent or an angry rant from you, but don’t give in. If you do, you are meeting their expectations.

What does silence from an ex mean?

Your Ex Might Be Observing You Sometimes silence means that the other person is highly impacted by what is going on. For example, if your ex was just cool and casual with this breakup and life in general, it wouldn’t be a big deal for them to contact you. But your ex is possibly experiencing some difficulty.

How long before my ex reaches out?

The time it takes for exes to reach out varies for each individual. It can take them anywhere from a day to a few years. In some cases, dumpees will never hear from their dumpers again.