Why does Madame Loisel choose to borrow a luxury item?

Why does Madame Loisel choose to borrow a luxury item?

Hover for more information. mwestwood, M.A. Madame Mathilde Loisel selects what she thinks is a diamond necklace because she believes it is “superb” and just the kind of dazzling jewelry that will enable her to attract the attention of the male guests and make her appear affluent.

Who did Mathilde marry?

Monsieur Loisel

What strengths do Mathilde and her husband?

Her friend has the kind of life that Mathilde wishes she had and feels she deserves. What strengths do Mathilde and her husband, respectively, bring to their marriage? They are both determined to pay off their debt. (situation) Mathilde’s husband hands her an invitation to a glittering ball.

What is ironic about Loisels poverty?

4 Madame Loisel felt like her old life was not good enough for her and now she lost it all.

What is the relationship between Mathilde and her husband?

Mathilde describes her husband as a “little” clerk in the Ministry of Education. His personality is bright and pleasant. He loves his wife and knows that she is unhappy with her circumstances. Probably, thinking himself lucky to have married such an attractive girl, he tries to please her.

What do the Loisels do about the missing necklace?

What decision do the Loisels make after they fail to find the lost necklace? They decide to leave the country. They decide to admit they lost the necklace.

Why don t the Loisels tell Madame Forestier the truth?

Why don’t the Loisels tell Mme. Forestier that the necklace has been lost? They are ashamed to admit their carelessness.

What do the Loisels do in order to pay their debts?

Madame Loisel and her husband must borrow money when they find a necklace that looks the same as the original. Madame Loisel gives the replacement necklace to her friend. In order to pay back the debt, Madame Loisel dismisses her servant and performs her own house duties. After ten years of hard work, the debt is paid.

What is the irony in the necklace?

The horrible irony of the fact that the Loisels spent years paying off a replacement for what was actually a worthless necklace is just one instance of irony evident in “The Necklace.” Also ironic is the fact that Mathilde’s beauty, which had been her only valued asset, disappears as a result of her labor for the …

What is the climax of the most dangerous game?

The climax of “The Most Dangerous Game” comes when Rainsford jumps into the ocean. Zaroff has been chasing him for days. After Rainsford failure on the first day, Zaroff played “cat and mouse” with Rainsford, letting the prey remain free for a while.

What is the ending of the story the necklace?

Madame Forestier reveals that her original necklace had been a fake. In the end, Madame Loisel claims to be content in life. She has learned what true poverty is and has found herself “decently content.” She has learned the meaning of hard work. she has lost the lustor of her beauty.