Why is it better to love?

Why is it better to love?

When you love someone, it makes you want to be a better person. You want to be the best you can be to feel worthy of his or her love. The sensation of being in love transcends space and time. There may be more downs than ups when you love someone, but it is better to feel pain than apathy.

What is the message of Tennyson poetry?

Many of his poems are about the temptation to give up and fall prey to pessimism, but they also extol the virtues of optimism and discuss the importance of struggling on with life. The need to persevere and continue is the central theme of In Memoriam and “Ulysses” (1833), both written after Hallam’s death.

What is the moral message of the poem tithonus?

“Ulysses” is about the great hero searching for life in spite of old age and coming death, and “Tithonus” concerns the weariness of life on earth when all one wants to do is fade into the earth and no longer linger on.

What is the main idea of the poem Ulysses?

The central theme of “Ulysses” is that there is a search for adventure, experience and meaning which makes life worth living. Tennyson used Ulysses as the old adventurer, unwilling to accept the settling of old age, longing for one more quest. Tennyson also wrote this in memory of his friend Arthur Hallam.

Who is known as peasant poet?

John Clare (13 July 1793 – 20 May 1864) was an English poet. The son of a farm labourer, he became known for his celebrations of the English countryside and sorrows at its disruption. His poetry underwent major re-evaluation in the late 20th century: he is now often seen as a major 19th-century poet.

Who wrote the poem Who am I?

Carl Sandburg

What is life Clare analysis?

“What is life?” is a poem by John Clare in the 19th century which consists of one sestet, one octave, and two quintets. Throughout the poem, Clare uses strong imagery and metaphors to help create a somber and bleak mood, which in turn saddens the whole poem.

How did Clare die?

When John Clare died of a stroke on May 20 1864, aged 70, he was almost a forgotten figure.

What is this life poem?

We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs. And stare as long as sheep or cows.

What is life poem summary?

Summary. Brontë crafted this poem with a fairly simple message in mind. She is seeking to dispel the myth or any dark thoughts one might believe in, that life is necessarily bad, dark, and unpleasant. She concludes the poem by stating that there is nothing in life that can quell courage, not even death.

What do you learn from the poem life?

theme/central idea: This is a motivating and optimistic poem. The poet says that’s the bad things of life are transient, and good things invariably follow them. Hope will help us to bear our trials even during times of great adversity. we must be optimistic and have the courage to overcome any problem or mishap.

What message is the poet trying to give us in the poem life?

The message in Charlotte Brontë’s poem “Life” is that we should be hopeful rather than hopeless and optimistic rather than pessimistic. In the first stanza, Brontë lists a series of weather events which are usually perceived as negative and shows why each should in fact be perceived as positive.

Who does our best refer?

Answer: the phrase ‘our best’ refers to the best one person has to offer. for example before going to a sports match one might say’ we will try our best to win’ which in the context means that the person under any circumstances will give it their best to win.

What does the sages say?

Answer: One should forget the past and live in the present. Keep enjoying life which is the only way you can be happy and satisfied with yourself. So the message of the poem is nice and practical.

What does the rain often foretell?

The sages say that life is not a dream. The rain often foretells a pleasent day. During joyful time in life we should enjoy life cheerfully and gratefully.

What though Death at times steps in and calls our best away?

What though death at times steps in, And calls our Best away? If death, at times takes away the people we love most, we must accept it and hope for better times. 3.

What though Death at times steps in meaning?

The poem inspires us not to give up in the face of difficulties. Man faces different problems in his life. In the given line the poetess talks about death taking away our loved ones. ‘What though Death at times steps in. And calls our Best away?’

What though Death at times steps in?

The actual quotation has to be What though death at times steps in. It is from Charlotte Bronte’s poem Life. In the mentioned quotation, the figure of speech that is used is personification.

What does our best refer to in poem life?

By Death taking away “the Best”Charlotte Bronte, is most probably referring to her elder sisters, Maria and Elizabeth, who died of typhoid barely six weeks of each other, when she was barely 10 years of age.

What do the sages say in poem life?

The sages say that life is ce dark dream. a what does the rain often foretells. and The main often foretells a pleasent day.

How does the poet bring out the message of hope and faith in the poem life?

We should forget of the dim past and hope for the future behind. We ought to have faith and belief and be optimistic about our future. We should never be in a hurry. We should enjoy the present life !!

What Can courage quell?

Dear Student, Courage is personified in this line. It is given the personification of being able to put an end to despair.

Can courage quell despair figure of speech?

Answer. Explanation: Personification, when we talk about, Swami Vivekanand is only prominent name which some among all such stalwarts.

What though sorrow seems to win over Hope a heavy sway meaning?

“What though sorrow seems to win, O’er hope, a heavy sway?” She questions what if sorrows in our life are too many to keep our hope intact. The person plunges so deeply in sorrow that he has no hope left to keep him going.

What is the tone of the poem please listen?

The poem ‘Please Listen! ‘ is written by an unknown poet. The main theme of this poem is that we should listen when people tell us their problems rather than give advice to them. The poet says that prayers work because God is silent and listens to us when we pray and then lets us work things out for ourselves.