Is it rude to ask if someone is married?

Is it rude to ask if someone is married?

Originally Answered: is it polite to ask a lady’s marital status? If you are interested in that person in a romantic way, then asking about her marital status is a must. All other cases – job interview, a stranger on the street, a business meeting, etc – where it’s simply your curiosity, then it’s not polite to ask.

What questions are considered rude?

However, there are times that we have been asked questions that are not only impolite, but rude and hurtful….15 Rude Questions People Need to Stop Asking, Like RIGHT NOW!

  • OMG!
  • When are you getting married?
  • What!!!
  • How much money do you make?
  • How old are you?
  • Not working?
  • What is your religion?
  • Why are you still single?

Is it rude to ask why?

In some contexts, it could be condescending. Here’s several different examples of what “why” adds to the statement. It is easy to sound archaic or condescending, so take care where you use it. Beginning an answer with the word “why” is not inherently rude; the answer could be rude because of its content, of course.

What personal questions Cannot be asked?

Here are 15 questions you should never ask a co-worker.

  • What are you?
  • What’s your sexual orientation?
  • Do you plan on having children?
  • How much money do you make?
  • How much do you weigh?
  • How old are you?
  • Do you have a health issue?
  • What religion do you practice?

What questions you should never ask a guy?

There are a couple of questions that we ask innocently enough, but from a man’s point of view, they’re quite uncomfortable to answer.

  • 14 awkward questions you should avoid asking your guy.
  • #1 How big is it?
  • #2 How many women have you slept with?
  • #3 Do you always have women over at your place?
  • #4 What are you thinking?

What should you never ask Google?

11 questions you should never Google

  • How can I lose weight? There’s a lot of misinformation out there and a lot of scams with different pills and promises.
  • How is Donald Trump doing in the polls?
  • Where’s my phone?
  • Who is the richest person in the world?
  • Anything incriminating.
  • Is this mole cancerous?

What should you never ask?

15 Awkward Questions You Should Never Ask, Because They’re None Of Your Business

  • “When are you going to get married?”
  • “When are you having kids?”
  • Sponsored: The best dating/relationships advice on the web.
  • “Why did you drop out of college?” OR “Why didn’t you go to college?”
  • “Why are you single?”

What should you never ask Siri?

8 Things You Should Never Ever Tell Your Phone

  • Don’t tell Siri to call your boyfriend.
  • Don’t tell her you need to hide a body.
  • Don’t ask her to call an ambulance.
  • Don’t search for unknown animals or plants.
  • Never tell her to show you skin and home parasites.
  • Don’t try to find out if Jon Snow is alive.
  • Don’t ask her medical questions.

What 5 questions should you never ask a girl?

5 questions men shouldn’t ask women

  • IS THAT WHAT YOU’RE WEARING? This gentlemen, is the cardinal sin of questions to a woman.

What should you never ask a girl?

20 Questions a Man Should Never Ask a Woman (and the Reasons Why)

  • Can I kiss you?
  • Why won’t you talk to me?
  • You look different today, why’s that?
  • You’re looking tired today, did you not get a good night’s sleep?
  • I know you’ve got a boyfriend, but can we be friends?
  • How old are you?
  • I don’t know, what do you want to do?

What is the weirdest question to ask?

Funny questions to ask list

  • Is cereal soup?
  • What is the sexiest and least sexy name?
  • What secret conspiracy would you like to start?
  • What’s invisible but you wish people could see?
  • What’s the weirdest smell you have ever smelled?
  • Is a hotdog a sandwich?
  • What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen?

What is the magic F word that turns a girl on?


Can I ask a girl if she’s a virgin?

Virginity remains a sensitive topics even for a modern woman, so that you must weigh carefully should you ask your girlfriend if she’s a virgin or not. It’s all up on you but if you truly love her for who she is now, you should leave her past behind just like how you wish her to do the same to you.

Is it weird to ask a guy if he’s a virgin?

Yes , its ok to ask if you feel to do so. But dont judge his/her character by that answer. You take a decision to be with or leave that person. Also its your choice to make virginity an issue in your relationship.

What does it mean when a girl asks if your a virgin?

Originally Answered: What does it mean when a girl asks a guy if he is a virgin or not? She wants to know if the guy has sexual experience. If he does, it means that he will be able to satisfy her in bed. If he is a virgin, she has to move on and find a real man.

How do you ask a girl if she has a boyfriend?

How to Ask a Girl If She Has a Boyfriend

  1. Assess the Situation. If you’re like me, the first thing you do is glance at her ring finger for vacancy.
  2. Ask Her! Not so easy, right?
  3. Mutual friends. If you have shared friends, it’s really easy to ask one of them about the girl you’re interested in.
  4. Social Media.
  5. Simple Conversation.
  6. Behavior.

Why do guys ask a girl if she has a boyfriend?

If a guy asks a girl whether she has a boyfriend, does it usually mean he’s interested in her? Yes . The reason is you haven’t described the encounter or said something like, “if we work together”. The question as posed is from some one wondering if a guy she likes likes her back.

Is it OK to ask if she has a boyfriend?

Yes, it is a good idea to ask her if she has a boyfriend but even better if you ask her while you are getting to know her.

How do you know if a girl is in a relationship?

Observe Her Behavior for Signs She Has a Boyfriend

  1. See if she is alone or with friends. . If she’s alone, it will be much easier to approach her.
  2. Pay attention to any guy she spends a lot of time with. .
  3. See if she is always on the phone. .
  4. Look at how she dresses and acts. .
  5. Consider where you are. .