Why does it take so long to finalize a divorce?

Why does it take so long to finalize a divorce?

Contested Divorces Take Longer Than Uncontesed Divorces If you and your spouse disagree on any of your divorce issues, your case will take longer to conclude. If you and your spouse agree on all issues, you have an “uncontested” divorce, which shouldn’t take very long to complete.

How long does it take for a judge to sign a divorce decree in PA?

There is no waiver of the 90 day waiting period. The typical time for a 3301(c) Pennsylvania uncontested divorce, from the date of filing to the court granting a divorce decree is 3.5-4 months for PREMIUM service, 4-5 months for FAST service, and 5-6 months for NORMAL service.

How many years do you have to be separated to be legally divorced in PA?

two years

Can I kick my ex wife out of my house?

Can you kick your partner out of the house? Without a court order, no. We often hear stories about one partner threatening the other that should they not leave, or should they return to the home, the police will be called. You cannot be forced to leave the premise at the mere demand of the other party.