What are my rights as a separated parent?

What are my rights as a separated parent?

Children whose parents have separated have the right to stay in contact with both parents unless this might harm the child. Both parents share a responsibility for bringing up their children and should always consider what is best for each child.

What are the elements of interference with child custody?

ยง 11.405 Interference with custody. (a) Custody of children. A person commits a misdemeanor if he or she knowingly or recklessly takes or entices any child under the age of 18 from the custody of his or her parent, guardian or other lawful custodian, when he or she has no privilege to do so.

Can a father get 50 50 custody?

There is no rule that children must spend equal or “50:50” time with each parent. If you and your former partner agree on the future arrangements for children, you do not have to go to court. You can make a parenting agreement or obtain ‘consent orders’ for parenting orders approved by a court.