Can a 14 year old choose to live with grandparents?

Can a 14 year old choose to live with grandparents?

No. Children have no rights as to expressing a choice except in disputes between their parents. Even that is limited – the child does not decide but the court must consider the expressed preference. Grandparent visitation rights are limited and…

Can I choose to live with my dad at 12?

In some states, the judge must determine whether permitting the child to state a preference is even in the child’s best interests. Usually by 12 years old a child can testify. As the child gets older, his or her wishes carry more weight.

Can I live with my dad at 16?

As long as your dad can have you live with him without issues then you should be able to go. If your dad is agreeable, you could just move your stuff there and not come home. At 16 there is really not a lot your mother can do about it and you are old enough to choose.

Can I move in with my dad at 17?

In most states the answer is NO you cannot unilaterally decide to move in with your father as a minor. With parental consent (consent meaning the custodial parent’s consent) you can move so if you mom says go, you can go. The other option would be for your father to go back to court and seek a change of custody.

Can I kick my daughter out at 16?

Aged 16-17 You can leave home without your parents’ or carers’ permission. Or they can ask you to leave. But it’s important to think carefully before deciding to move out and leave home.

Can I throw my son out at 16?

In the case of children between the age of 16 and 18, parental responsibility ends if the child marries. Therefore, if either of you do have parental responsibility for this boy, it would be inadvisable to throw him out.

What happens if your parents kick you out at 15?

Once a minor is legally emancipated, parents no longer have to feed, house, or pay child support for the emancipated minor. Kicking an underage child (meaning under 18 in most states) out of the house, without the child being emancipated, can often be considered child abandonment, which is a crime.