Can a father give his property to only one son?

Can a father give his property to only one son?

A father cannot freely give the ancestral property to one son. In Hindu law, the ancestral property can be gifted only under certain situations like distress or for pious reasons. Otherwise, the ancestral property cannot be given away to one child to the exclusion of all others.

Can father sell his property without consent of Son?

No you cannot stop him from selling the property which is on his name until you file a case against him for declaration of ownership on ground that money was given to him to purchase money on your name but he instead purchase it on his name and now denying to transfer the property on your name.

Can a father gives all his property to one child in Pakistan?

GIFT OR HIBA IN ISLAM AND PAKISTAN There is no concept of will, one cannot transfer or bequeath whole of property to any one legal heir through Will but consent of the other legal heirs are required.

How do I transfer my house from father to son?

Your father can transfer the property either by making a registered family arrangement to both of you as per desire. By this she cannot raise any dispute at any stage. Alternately he can transfer the property by executing a registered gift deed to both of you again as per his desire.

Can parents transfer home to child?

Step Up in Basis: While California does allow you to transfer your property to children via a quitclaim deed, doing so can adversely affect your child if they ever want to sell the property. Your child will get the same basis in the house as you purchased, i.e. $300,000 (This is called Carry Over basis).

How can I gift my house to my son?

One may be to sell your property and gift the proceeds to your children, although you would need to bear in mind that this would still be subject to Inheritance Tax if you were to pass away within seven years of the gift. The main alternative to gifting property is to create a Life Interest Trust Will

Can Mother gift property to one son?

INDIAN SUCCESSION ACT 1956 . according to that section she can gift the property to any body to her wish and will. any share in the property. to avoid legal issues if that gift is not registered you ask your mother to register that gift property in your name

Can son claim mother’s ancestral property when mother is alive?

Your mother can claim share in her ancestral property from her parents side. The Supreme Court has held that daughters who were born before the enactment of Hindu Succession Act 1956 are entitled to equal shares as son in ancestral property.

Can son claim father’s property when mother is alive?

A son can claim his share in the property even during the lifetime of his father. In any case the person seeking his share, he must prove his succession.

Who is legal heir for father’s property?

A daughter has equal share of right in the ancestral property. Besides this, in a situation where the father has a self- acquired property or a separate property and he dies intestate, then the daughter who is a Class I heir will have succession rights equal to her living mother, sister, grandmother and brother

How do you distribute the father’s property?

8 Answers

  1. father can execute gift deed in favour of his 2 sons forthe house.
  2. gift deed should be duly stamped and regd.
  3. daughters cannot claim any share in self acquired property of father during his lifetime.
  4. only if father died intestate would daughters have one fifth share in property.

How a daughter can claim father’s property?

According to the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act 2005, daughters have the same right as sons to their father’s self-acquired property, if he dies intestate, that is, without a will. Hence, being a legal heir, you have the right to stake a claim over the property irrespective of what your mother claims.