Can a parent deny their child proper medical care?

Can a parent deny their child proper medical care?

In the United States, adults can refuse any medical care, as long as they’re competent to make their own decisions. But it gets complicated when parents deny treatment for their children, especially when religion is involved.

What happens if a parent is charged with neglect?

Child neglect is usually charged as a misdemeanor in California. Penalties for misdemeanor child neglect can include up to 12 months in a Los Angeles County jail, $2,000 in fines, and/or probation. This may happen if a parent is repeatedly arrested for neglect or if they intentionally refuse to provide for their child.

Do you have to answer the door to CPS?

CPS has absolutely no right to enter your home unless they have a warrant signed by a judge. The only way an investigator can come into your home without a warrant is if you invite them in. If the worker insists on entering your home, politely tell them no unless they can produce a warrant to search your home.

Can you refuse chemo for your child?

Although wide, the zone of discretion is not unlimited. Parents may not refuse cancer treatment when (1) withholding treatment poses a significant risk of serious irreparable harm and (2) the projected benefits of the refused treatment outweigh the burdens.

Can I refuse treatment for my baby?

In heartbreaking situations where a child has a terminal illness where no treatment is beneficial, parents do have a right to refuse treatment and let nature take it’s course. When multiple doctors are giving different options of treatment, parents have a right to choose which is best for their child.

What religion does not go to doctors?

Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse blood transfusion. Christian Scientists refuse most medical treatment. Instead they rely on the healing prayers of Christian Scientist Practitioners. The Faith Tabernacle Congregation in Altoona, PA believes that disease is caused by the devil.

Is it illegal to force religion on a child?

A judge cannot prescribe a religion for a child— the child’s parents must do that. However, in cases where parents disagree on religion, often the custodial parent’s (parent with primary physical custody) wishes regarding religion will control.

Why do they ask your religion at the hospital?

If you are a specific religion they will want you to be able to be visited by a person of that religious faith. The asking is merely to be sure that the correct religious rep is sent, if needed or wanted. For instance, if you are Jewish they might have a rabbi visit you.

What religion does not believe in blood transfusions?

Jehovah’s Witnesses, with at least 7.5 million active members worldwide and around 130 000 in the UK, are the most well-known religious community who decline transfusion of specific blood components.

What happens if I refuse blood transfusion?

It is unlawful to administer blood to a patient who has refused it by the provision of an Advanced Directive or by its exclusion in a consent form. To do so may lead to criminal proceedings. A child’s right to life is paramount and must be considered before the religious beliefs of his or her parents.