Can a spouse stay on health insurance after divorce?

Can a spouse stay on health insurance after divorce?

The law in the United States is that once your divorce occurs, health insurance coverage ends as well if your insurance is had through your spouse.

Does your spouse have to be on your auto insurance policy?

No. You do not have to add your spouse to your car insurance. Most car insurance companies will want all licensed members of your household listed as drivers, to make sure your policy’s rate is calculated properly. But there is no legal requirement that says a driver must add their spouse to an auto insurance policy….

Can someone not on your insurance drive your car?

Usually, yes — your car insurance coverage should extend to anyone else driving your car. So if you lend your car to your best friend, your sister or even your second cousin, your insurance is most often the insurance that will pay in the event of an accident.

What happens if someone not on your insurance crashes your car?

Your insurance may not cover damage to your car by another driver if that person was specifically excluded from your insurance policy. If an excluded driver borrows your car and then gets into an accident, your insurance won’t cover the damage, even if you gave the driver permission to drive that time.

Can you get insurance on a car before you buy it?

The good news is that you can shop around for car insurance before you have your new car, and, even if you don’t have your new car’s vehicle identification number (VIN) yet, you can still give a broker or agent all your other information so the policy is ready to go as soon as you find out what car you’re buying.

How long do you have to get insurance when you buy a car?

30 days

Do I need full coverage on a financed car?

Yes, you need full coverage on a financed car. Any reputable lender will require drivers with a loan or a lease to purchase comprehensive and collision insurance for their vehicle in addition to the state’s minimum requirements for car insurance….