Can child support be waived in Florida?

Can child support be waived in Florida?

Under Florida law, a parent cannot waive child support. Technically, child support is owed to the child and the parent does not have the ability to waive it. Further, judges may not complete a custody or divorce case unless child support is addressed.

Why was my stock order Cancelled?

If the stock breaks out to the upside, the buy order executes, and the sell order gets canceled. Conversely, if the price moves below the trading range, a sell order executes, and the buy order is purged. This order type helps reduce risk by ensuring unwanted orders get automatically canceled.

What does good until expiry mean?

If you select ‘Good Till Expiry’ you may nominate a specific expiry date or accept the default expiry of 20 trading days. This means that if your order is not filled, it will remain in the market until the specified expiry date or the expiration of 20 trading days (whichever is the earlier).

What happens if we don’t sell options on expiry?

When an option expires, you have no longer any right in the contract. When the strike price of an option is higher than the current market price of an underlying security, It is OTM for the call option holder. The buyer of the option will lose the amount (premium) paid for buying the security if expired OTM.

What is GTC expiration?

GTC orders are an alternative to day orders, which expire if unfilled at the end of the trading day. Despite the name, GTC orders do not typically remain active indefinitely. Most brokers set GTC orders to expire 30 to 90 days after investors place them to avoid a long-forgotten order suddenly being filled.

Do limit orders expire?

When to use limit orders Day limit orders expire at the end of the current trading session and do not carry over to after-hours sessions. Good-till-canceled (GTC) limit orders carry forward from one standard session to the next, until executed, expired, or manually canceled by the trader.

What happens if a limit order expires?

A buy limit order prevents you from paying more than a set price for a stock — a sell limit order allows you to set the price you want for your stock. If Apple’s stock fails to fall to $200 or below during a set period, the order will expire unfilled, which could be a day or until the investor cancels the order.

Should I do a market or limit order?

Limit orders set the maximum or minimum price at which you are willing to complete the transaction, whether it be a buy or sell. Market orders offer a greater likelihood that an order will go through, but there are no guarantees, as orders are subject to availability.

Why is my sell limit order not being filled?

A limit order is ineffective when the price of the underlying asset jumps above the entry price. This is because the limit price is the maximum amount the investor is willing to pay, and in this case, it is currently below the market price.