Can child support be waived in NY?

Can child support be waived in NY?

Yes. You both can waive the basic child support obligations as long as the waiver is in writing, states what the basic child support obligation would have been, and states the reasons why your agreement should be adopted instead.

Can you sue someone for opening your package?

You could sue for the value of the item and any damages to your property. It would probably cost more to sue the person than you would get out of it. You can call the local police or the postal inspector. Mail theft…

Is opening husbands mail legal?

Under the law, tampering with, hiding or opening mail addressed to someone else, even if to your spouse or ex-spouse, is a Federal crime. You may open mail addressed to your spouse or ex-spouse when: You are given explicit authority by your spouse or ex-spouse; or. The letter or mail is also addressed to you.

Is my wife allowed to open my mail?

Yes, it is illegal in most situations. It is a violation of United States federal law, specifically Section 1708 of the United States Code, Title 18. No individual is allowed to open the mail of anyone besides him or herself; being married does not…

Is it a crime if I look at my spouse’s email account without permission?

In general, all of these various laws have the effect of making it a felony to intercept without authorization an electronic communication, including emails. If you have permission to access your spouse’s email account, you can do so.

Can you open your partners Mail?

The Postal Services Act 2000 clearly states that it is certainly illegal to open someone’s post, or delay it reaching the owner. Although throwing it away may not be the same as peeking, most people (and more importantly, lawyers) could argue that binning the mail “delays” the post indefinitely, which is a crime.

What do I do if I sent a package to the wrong address?

If you’ve received mail which has your address, but not your name, this is because we deliver to addresses rather than names. If this does happen, you can put a cross through the address and write ‘Not known at this address’ or ‘No longer lives here’ and put it back in a letterbox.

Is it illegal to read someone else’s email?

Federal privacy laws state that even with a shared computer, password protected e-mail accounts are private, unless one of the parties allows access. “The law is a simple unauthorized access law: It prohibits unauthorized viewing of someone else’s password-protected files,” said Orin Kerr, an Internet legal expert.

Is it OK to forward email without permission?

The Law. If trust and character are not enough to abstain from forwarding emails sent to you, the fact is that emails are copyright protected by the author at the time they are created. So, to forward, publish or post without the original author’s permission is copyright infringement.

Is it illegal to use someone else’s Netflix account?

Is Netflix account sharing legal? Yes, it is. After all, you wouldn’t be able to create multiple profiles if Netflix accounts were limited to a single person. However, some terms apply.

Is it legal to spy on someones text messages?

It is HIGHLY illegal to install spy software that in any way records, tracks, forwards, etc. phone calls or text messages on someone’s phone without their permission. In fact, it could potentially be a felony, meaning more than one year in jail.