Can ex wife ask for alimony after divorce?

Can ex wife ask for alimony after divorce?

You must request alimony during your divorce proceeding. You will not be allowed to request it after the divorce case is over. Indefinite alimony or permanent alimony lasts until either spouse dies or until the court determines that alimony is no longer appropriate.

Do Judgements expire in Florida?

In Florida “no judgment, order, or decree of any court shall be a lien upon real or personal property within the state after the expiration of 20 years from the date of the entry of such judgment.”18 In order to retain a lien for the maximum period of 20 years, the certified copy of the judgment must be recorded …

Can a lien be placed on jointly owned property in Florida?

If a creditor successfully sues one joint tenant for an unpaid debt and gets a judgment against him (or her), then the creditor’s judgment can be filed of record, which will create a lien against the property held by the debtor-joint tenant . It does not matter what the other debt-free joint owner wants.

Does marriage override a will in Florida?

When a person dies, his or her spouse has certain rights to the deceased person’s assets. These rights are governed by the inheritance law of the state and might override the contents of a will. In Florida, a surviving spouse who was disinherited might be entitled to a share of the property of the deceased spouse.

Can I change my will without my husband knowing?

There is nothing to stop one or the other of you from changing your will at any time, and no law that you must be told about anyone else’s will. Your partner may change his or her will during your lifetime and not tell you, or he or she might change it on your death.

Can a spouse get inheritance in a divorce?

In the overwhelming majority states, an inheritance is considered separate property, belonging exclusively to the spouse who received it and it cannot be divided in a divorce.