Can GI bill be used to calculate child support?

Can GI bill be used to calculate child support?

8)(c)) nor the child support statute (C.R.S. 5)(a)(I)) explicitly address whether GI Bill benefits count as income. The monthly stipend is treated as income when calculating child support or alimony, but not the tuition assistance or book stipend.

Can I get Bah If I pay child support?

BAH-Diff is the housing allowance amount for a member who is assigned to single-type quarters and who is authorized a basic allowance for housing solely by reason of the member’s payment of child support. A member is not entitled to BAH-Diff if the monthly rate of that child support is less than the BAH-Diff.

Can child support Take my military disability?

In other words, if you waived part of your taxable military retirement to receive nontaxable disability compensation, your disability benefits can be garnished to meet alimony and child support obligations. Only the amount of the disability compensation you were paid in place of retirement pay can be garnished.

Can you be a single mom in the Army?

Single parents are not allowed to enlist in the active-duty military. Except for the Reserve components of the military and Army National Guard, waiver approvals are rare, and most recruiters won’t even submit one.

Can you be pregnant in basic training?

Military Pregnancy Regulations In the Army, a woman who becomes pregnant after enlistment, but before she begins initial active duty will not be involuntarily discharged due to pregnancy. She can’t enter active duty until her pregnancy is over (either through birth or termination).

Do males and females train together in the Army?

For most of the Army’s 245 year history, those recruits trained only with people of the same gender. But that changed in 1994, when the Army started training men and women recruits together. The practice works, Army officers and others say.

Do females have to cut their hair for basic training?

During initial processing for Basic Military Training (BMT), male Airmen will have their heads completely shaved. Female Airmen are not required to have hair cut; however, hair must be worn up or short enough to not touch the collar.