Can I choose to live with my dad at 16?

Can I choose to live with my dad at 16?

As long as your dad can have you live with him without issues then you should be able to go. If your dad is agreeable, you could just move your stuff there and not come home. At 16 there is really not a lot your mother can do about it and you are old enough to choose.

Can you choose where you live at 16?

A California judge is required to consider your preference, but is NOT required to let you decide. It’s part of being a minor; your parents get to decide some stuff for you, until you’re an adult, or emanciptaed.

Can your parents take your phone if you are 18?

When a person turns 18 years of age, they are considered an adult, with all the rights and privileges which come with being an adult. You do that in an adult manner by discussing your feelings with your parents, and letting them know you need your own privacy, including with regard to your phone.

What age should a child get a cell phone?

At what age should you get your child a cell phone? According to PewResearch Center, the average age is between 12 and 13, but when to get your child a cell phone is a personal decision, and can vary from kid to kid based on maturity and need.

When should kids go to bed?

Sleep: what children need At 5-11 years, children need 9-11 hours sleep a night. For example, if your child wakes for school at 7 am and needs approximately 10 hours sleep per night, your child should be in bed before 9 pm.

What is the safest phone for a child?

Palm Phone Somewhere between a dumb phone and an iPhone is the Palm. Its credit-card-sized body and Android interface allows for the full suite of apps, while a 13-hour battery life will get your child through a school day with ease. It’s dust- and water-resistant for accidents along the way.

Should a 7 year old have a cell phone?

Well, really, it’s up to the parent to decide if their seven year old child should have a cell phone or not. However, at the age of seven, kids are beginning to participate in activities away from the home, and it might be wise to give them a method with which they can communicate, like a cell phone.

Should I get my kid a flip phone?

Matte also shared a few reasons for why parents may be more inclined to give children a flip phone instead of a smartphone: “Flip phones have the added benefit of being less expensive to replace if they are lost, stolen, or broken. They also don’t require a data plan, so they can provide significant savings over time.”

Can I track my child’s flip phone?

GPS-tracking. Flip phones can be GPS-tracked via add-on family mapping features from some carriers.

Can you track an old flip phone?

Unless the flip phone is running Android, there generally is no way to track it. You *may* be able to contact your carrier and see if they would be willing to triangulate it using their towers (if your reception is poor this likely isn’t an option), but most carriers would probably decline to do that.