Can I keep my ex wife on Tricare?

Can I keep my ex wife on Tricare?

After a divorce, the sponsor remains eligible for TRICARE. The former spouse only remains eligible for TRICARE if he or she meets certain criteria. If not, the former spouse stays eligible up until the day the divorce is final.

Can military lawyers help with divorce?

While military legal assistance attorneys may not be able to draft specific court documents or represent members or their families in court, they can provide helpful advice on a range of legal issues including divorce and child custody, income taxes and wills. Military legal assistance offices can help with this.

Do military get free lawyers?

There is no charge for services provided by military legal assistance offices. All services provided by a military legal assistance lawyer are free to eligible personnel. If your legal problem involves costs or fees (for example, a filing fee to file a case with the court), you will probably have to pay these charges.

How much does a military lawyer cost?

Most good firms require between $4,000 and $10,000 as an initial fee. A serious trial can cost more than $25,000 in legal services. Even a special court-martial or administrative hearing can cost more than $10,000.

How much do military lawyers make?

Military Lawyer Salary

Annual Salary Monthly Pay
Top Earners $122,000 $10,166
75th Percentile $88,500 $7,375
Average $72,225 $6,018
25th Percentile $42,000 $3,500

Do military lawyers get extra pay?

Retention Bonuses: Navy JAG Corps officers are eligible for a total of $60,000 in retention bonuses paid over three installments at different career milestones (at approximately the four-year mark, seven-year mark and 10-year mark) that can be used by officers to pay off their student debt.

How much do Navy JAG lawyers make?

Because branches have different starting ranks, the 2018 salary at the rank of O-1 for newly commissioned JAG officers in the Army is $37,292. The salary for Marines, Air Force and Navy JAG officers at O-2 rank is $42,966. The salary in the Coast Guard at O-3 rank is $49,727.

Do JAG officers get deployed?

Yes, JAGs do get deployed to areas all over the world. JAGs serve as legal advisers to military commanders and have many responsibilities, including providing legal opinions on whether military actions comply with the laws of armed conflict to prosecuting or defending service members in courts martial.

Which branch is best for Jag?

Air Force

How long do JAG officers serve?

four years

How often do JAG officers get deployed?

Navy judge advocates typically deploy from six months to one year in these critical positions.

Do JAG officers see combat?

Army, Navy, and Air Force JAG officers are generally not trained or qualified to lead troops in combat and would only be expected to “fight” in self-defense.

How competitive is the JAG program?

Depending on the service branch, the acceptance rate for JAG Corps applicants is typically between 4-7%. The Army, for instance, receives about 4000 applications every year and only accepts around 200.