Can I sue my roommate for emotional distress?

Can I sue my roommate for emotional distress?

There are claims of intentional infliction of emotional distress and negligent infliction of emotional distress that can be brought, but are almost always next to impossible to prove. First, you need to show that your roommates engaged… Thank you very much.

Can I kick my girlfriend out of my house in Florida?

If you have a girlfriend living in your home and you no longer want her there, you can remove her legal through a Florida Unlawful Detainer. It is important to not confuse an Unlawful Detainer with a Florida Eviction or a Florida Ejectment. Therefore, it is important that you speak with an Florida Eviction Lawyer.

What are the renters rights in Texas?

Know Your Rights as a Tenant

  • The right to “quiet enjoyment” of your home. This means your landlord cannot evict you without proper cause (most commonly nonpayment of rent) or otherwise disturb your right to live in peace and quiet.
  • The right to health and safety in your home.
  • The right to security in your home.

How much does it cost to evict someone in Texas?

Filing an eviction suit in court (average $100 per tenant) Filing a writ of possession (average $150) Legal fees. Time (5-10 hours of your time)

How long does it take to evict someone in Texas?

How long does it take to evict someone in Texas? From start to finish approximately three weeks • 3 days from notice to vacate to filing of suit • 8-10 days to serve the citation -The law requires the defendant have a least six days no more than 10 days notice before the hearing.

Can landlord force tenant to leave?

No, a landlord cannot just kick you out. They need to follow the formal eviction process provided in your state. If a landlord uses illegal self-help measures, such as changing the locks or throwing out your belongings, you should be able to hold the landlord accountable and remain on the property.