Can my ex wife ask for more child support?

Can my ex wife ask for more child support?

A parent can ask for a child support modification when there is a change in circumstances. Similar, the non-custodial parent may seek a modification if his or her income has decreased. Whatever the reason, either parent can petition the court at anytime for a child support modification.

Can I go after my ex husband’s new wife for child support in Georgia?

If you live in Georgia and if you remarry, your new spouse’s income probably won’t affect your child support order. Then again, it might. It depends on the specifics of your personal situation, but typically, the court would only look to your new spouse’s income under unusual circumstances.

What is the average child support payment for one child in Georgia?

For example, if a non-custodial parent were ordered to pay child support for one child, the support would range between 17% and 23% of the non-custodial parent’s income. As a matter of practice, judges typically awarded 20% of the non-custodial parent’s gross income for support.

What makes a house unlivable?

In California, habitability includes the following specific warranties: A dwelling also may be considered uninhabitable (unlivable) if it substantially lacks any of the following: Effective waterproofing and weather protection of roof and exterior walls, including unbroken windows and doors.

Does black mold make a house uninhabitable?

The state of California recognizes that the presence of toxic mold in a rental home or unit can lead to severe health problems in tenants, thereby violating the implied warranty of habitability. Additionally, the law applies if the mold is a threat to the tenant’s health.

Does mold make a house uninhabitable?

Mold, Mildew, and Water Leaks Not all water leaks amount to a “major issue” or immediately make a property uninhabitable. This falls into the category of “environmental hazards,” which can also include exposure to lead paint dust (common in older properties) or asbestos insulation.

Can you sue your landlord for mold exposure?

Yes, you can sue your landlord for mold issues. Whether you’ve just noticed mold, you or members of your family have developed symptoms of mold infection, or your household goods or personal property were damaged by mold, give us a call to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.

Can I get out of my lease if there is mold?

Legally, you’re not allowed to repair and deduct, withhold rent, or break your lease if you caused the mold problem. Make sure to promptly report spills and leaks to your landlord, and, if you do notice mold anywhere in your apartment, let your landlord know in writing before it becomes a more serious issue.

Can I move out because of mold?

In California, residential leases have an implied warranty of habitability. If the presence of mold affects the livability of the apartment and the health and safety of the tenants, the landlord is in violation of this warranty and the tenant should move out.