Can my mom officiate my wedding?

Can my mom officiate my wedding?

A: The quick answer to that is yes; it is possible to have a friend of family member perform your marriage ceremony once they have been legally ordained to do so. Many states will also allow residents to obtain a one-time license to perform a marriage, which may require standing before a judge.

Can a Hindu marry a Catholic girl and be happy?

So, bottom line: yes, a baptized Catholic may validly and licitly marry a Hindu, provided the Catholic receives a dispensation. One’s parish priest can help with obtaining the dispensation.

Do you have to convert to marry a Catholic?

The Catholic Church requires a dispensation for mixed marriages. The Catholic party’s ordinary (typically a bishop) has the authority to grant them. The baptized non-Catholic partner does not have to convert. The non-Catholic partner must be made “truly aware” of the meaning of the Catholic party’s promise.

Can Hindu couple marry in church?

Under the special marriage act, any woman of any religion can marry or remarry without satisfying any religious ceremony.

Is Intercaste marriage a sin?

Your society would declare inter-caste marriage a sin. That’s not important. Think if your parents will support you. Your society will appreciate if you follow their time-table and please them.

Can I marry a Brahmin girl?

Whether the word used is ananushteeyam or varjyam it is very clear that, after the Buranic period and certainly after the well known commentators wrote their commentaries, marriages of this kind, especially marriages between a Brahmin and a Sudra girl, were universally regarded as not permissible under the law during …

Can a Rajput marry a Brahmin?

Brahmin men can marry Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and even Shudra women but Shudra men can marry only Shudra women. Although Brahmin, Kshatriya, and Vaishya men have been allowed inter-caste marriages, even in distress they should not marry Shudra women.

Can a Brahmin boy marry a kayastha girl?

Brahmin boys can marry to other caste girls, but Brahmin girls are not allowed to marry other caste boys.

Is Sinha a high caste?

Sinha surname is from the Eastern part of India]. They belong to the Kayastha community and largely populated in Jharkhand, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal. 1965) Indian film director. Anugrah Narayan Sinha (1887–1957) Indian politician.