Can one spouse sign for another?

Can one spouse sign for another?

Generally you are not permitted to sign anyone else’s name to a contract unless you have a power of attorney from that person which specifically permits you to sign contracts on their behalf.

How do you sign with permission?

Procuration is the official term for signing for someone else. This term is taken from the Latin word procurare meaning β€œto take care of.” Now, when signing on someone else’s behalf, the signature is preceded by p.p. standing for per procurationem.

How do you sign someone’s name with permission?

The letters β€œp.p.” before your signature on behalf of your brother indicate that the signature is under procuration (that is, on behalf of another with permission). You may type or handwrite the letters just to the left of your signature to indicate that you are signing under procuration.

How do you write on behalf of?

You put “p.p.” in front of the name of the person for whom you are writing the letter — p.p. stands for “per pro” (for and on behalf of).

What is the difference of in behalf and on behalf?

In behalf, they argue, is used when the meaning is in the interest of someone else, but on behalf is used when speaking for someone. For example, a medical decision would be made in behalf of the patient, and you would speak on behalf of your family.

What does on behalf of mean legally?

1 : as a representative of someone The teacher accepted the award on behalf of the whole class. 2 or US in behalf of someone or in someone’s behalf : for the benefit of someone : in support of someone She spoke in behalf of the other candidate.

What do you write when signing a letter on behalf of someone else?

The ordinary process for other documents such as letters, forms or general legal documents is that you write ‘p. p’ before your signature, to demonstrate that you are signing for someone else. This will show the reader that you’ve signed with the authority of the intended signee.

What’s another way to say on behalf of?

What is another word for on behalf of?

for in aid of
in support of in the best interests of
in behalf of representing