Can someone be mad at you forever?

Can someone be mad at you forever?

Usually anger comes out of being hurt, just like in your situation. So, to answer your question, no, it is not possible to remain angry at someone “forever,” however, we usually do not know when it will be time for us to leave this planet and not always have enough time to forgive.

Why do we get angry at the ones we love?

If someone we love gets hurt or feels upset, our natural response is to comfort them and provide them with the essential care they need to make sure everything is alright again. It is actually confirmed by research that we are more likely to be aggressive to the ones we know better and love the most.

Why is my ex so angry towards me?

Sometimes, an ex will express anger towards you simply because they’re using you and the breakup as a scapegoat. They might just not be in a good place in their life, and they might be feeling unhappy and dissatisfied with themselves, so they take it out on you.

Why is ex being so mean?

Reason #3: They Hate The Idea of Hurting You Lastly, it’s also possible your ex is being rude or trying to pick fights with you because they subconsciously feel like this could give them a “reason” to hurt you by breaking up. This might sound totally bizarre, but it’s actually relatively common.

Can exes get back together after years apart?

It is possible to get back together with an ex if you both make sure that you have moved on from the problems that caused you to break up in the first place. Plus, you need to ensure that you both still love each other even after all the time you have been apart has passed.

Why is my ex wife so angry when she left me?

A person that lacks the mental capacity to make rational decisions will never be able to let go of the past. Your ex will be stuck in breakup limbo, experiencing the same negative emotions over and over again. So if your ex is angry when she dumped you, it’s because she lacks the emotional intelligence to help herself.

How do you tell if your ex is pretending to be over you?

Signs your ex is pretending to be over you

  • 1) They keep talking to you.
  • 2) They try to make you jealous.
  • 3) They find and invent reasons to meet up.
  • 4) They stalk your social media.
  • 5) They shout from the rooftops how much they’re over you.
  • 6) You randomly keep bumping into each other.
  • 7) Your ex is suddenly best pals with your friends.